Strategies for Managing E-Records for Good Governance: Reflection on E-Government in the Kingdom of Eswatini

Strategies for Managing E-Records for Good Governance: Reflection on E-Government in the Kingdom of Eswatini

Vusi Wonderboy Tsabedze
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-1526-6.ch004
(Individual Chapters)
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Management of e-records has become an exponential factor that requires adequate consideration and planning in this era of digital technology. The use of e-records becomes significant such that e-government must implement its management for good governance in the public sector. As government of Eswatini is pursuing strategies to implement e-government, strategies to enhance the effectiveness of e-government programmes and operation becomes essential. This would help promote transparency, accountability, and good governance using information and communication technologies. The objective of this chapter is to determine infrastructure and strategies for managing e-records in an e-government context, to determine the risks of managing e-records as a strategic resource, and lastly, to look at prospects of e-records management in Eswatini. The chapter reviews the situation in Eswatini, drawing from other cases in the world.
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Problem Statement

The overarching problem that instigated this study is that while there is abundant evidence of the Eswatini government’s undoubted ICT platforms that provide accurate and faster communication through the use of e-applications to access government services, the status of e-record readiness of this implementation has not been fully ascertained. Several authorities on records management such as IRMT (2004; 2009) underscore the fact that though e-government services produce e-records that document government transactions and online activities, their extent of the application records management functionalities remain in contention.

The Eswatini ICT legislative and policy framework of 2007 allows for the establishment of the e-government portal that should provide ubiquitous access and sharing of information through internet among government departments; yet there have been several instances where records captured and stored in the e-records system have been lost or could not be accessed by the user community. This implies that the drive in the implementation of the national e-government strategy is fraught, among other issues, with e-records management challenges of admissibility, authenticity and reliabity which are a cornerstone for evidence in the administration of the state and general governance of the country (Tsabedze, 2011).

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