Strategies for Automated Bike-Sharing Systems Leveraging ML and VLSI Approaches

Strategies for Automated Bike-Sharing Systems Leveraging ML and VLSI Approaches

Jagrat Shukla, Numburi Rishikha, Janhavi Chaturvedi, Sumathi Gokulanathan, Sriharipriya Krishnan Chandrasekaran, Konguvel Elango, SathishKumar Selvaperumal
Copyright: © 2023 |Pages: 32
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-6596-7.ch007
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Machine learning has had an impact in the area of microchip design and was initially used in automation. This development could result in a tremendous change in the realm of hardware computation and AI's powerful analysis tools. Traffic is a pressing issue in densely populated cities. Governments worldwide are attempting to address this problem by introducing various forms of public transportation, including metro. However, these solutions require significant investment and implementation time. Despite the high cost and inherent flaws of the system, many people still prefer to use their personal vehicles rather than public transportation. To address this issue, the authors propose a bike-sharing solution in which all processes from membership registration to bike rental and return are automated. Bagging is an ensemble learning method that can be used for base models with a low bias and high variance. It uses randomization of the dataset to reduce the variance of the base models, while keeping the bias low.
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Machine learning and Artificial Intelligence (AI) have resulted in significant advancements in various fields, including microchip design and revolutionizing traditional VLSI design concepts. Initially used for automation, machine-learning techniques are gradually replacing time-consuming manual processes. By automating design creation, machine learning eliminates the need for extensive human intervention and expert knowledge. This transformative development has the potential to bring about a remarkable shift in hardware computation and leverage AI's powerful analysis tools.

Traffic congestion is one of the most pressing challenges facing densely populated cities. Governments worldwide have been striving to address this issue by introducing different forms of public transportation such as metro systems. However, these solutions often require substantial investment and implementation time. Despite these flaws, many individuals still opt for personal vehicles over public transportation. To address this problem, the implementation of an automated bike-sharing system is proposed. This system aims to streamline all processes from membership registration to bike rental and return through automation. By offering a convenient and efficient alternative to private vehicles, automated bike-sharing endeavours can reduce traffic congestion.

Bagging is an effective ensemble learning method for machine-learning algorithms. It is particularly suitable for base models characterized by low bias and high variance. Bagging reduces the variance of these models by randomizing the dataset while maintaining a low bias. Bagging enhances the performance and accuracy of machine-learning algorithms by mitigating the trade-off between bias and variance. This technique finds valuable application in addressing complex problems, such as traffic prediction and optimization, where reliable and precise models are crucial.

Moreover, the integration of machine learning and AI in bike-sharing systems has several advantages. Automating the entire process, from registration to payment, enhances the overall user experience. With online payments, users can conveniently rent bikes without the need for third-party vendors. This streamlined approach not only saves time, but also ensures a trustworthy and efficient bike-sharing service. By leveraging the power of machine learning and AI, bike-sharing systems can operate seamlessly, reducing traffic congestion while promoting sustainable transportation options. Automation in microchip design driven by machine-learning techniques has the potential to transform the hardware computation landscape. Automated bike-sharing systems offer an effective alternative to private vehicles in addressing traffic congestion. Furthermore, techniques such as bagging enhance the accuracy and performance of machine-learning algorithms, enabling better traffic prediction and optimization. By incorporating machine learning and AI into bike-sharing systems, the overall user experience is improved, facilitating efficient and reliable rental processes.

Bike renting systems have emerged as the latest trend, replacing the traditional methods of renting bikes. These systems offer a quick and convenient way for customers to rent bikes within seconds, with easy pick-up and drop-off services. Unlike other transportation services, bike-sharing systems utilize a virtual sensor network to accurately record travel duration as well as the arrival and departure positions of bikes throughout the city. This advanced technology allows for precise tracking of bike locations, ensuring efficient management of the system.

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