Strategic Talent Acquisition for Ethical Marketing: Leveraging Technology and Data Governance

Strategic Talent Acquisition for Ethical Marketing: Leveraging Technology and Data Governance

Parul Kulshrestha, Dhiresh Kulshrestha
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-2215-4.ch020
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In today's dynamic and technology-driven business landscape, the convergence of ethical marketing, technology, and data governance has become paramount. This abstract provides a glimpse into the forthcoming book chapter titled “Strategic Talent Acquisition for Ethical Marketing: Leveraging Technology and Data Governance,” which explores the pivotal role of talent acquisition in ensuring ethical marketing success in this digital age.The chapter examines how organizations can navigate the complexities of digital marketing and data privacy while upholding ethical principles. It highlights the strategic importance of talent acquisition in assembling teams capable of not only excelling in marketing but also prioritizing ethical considerations. This strategic approach not only helps maintain brand reputation and customer trust but also fosters long-term business success.
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In the ever-evolving landscape of business and marketing, the pursuit of ethical and sustainable practices has become a defining characteristic of successful organizations. As consumers increasingly demand transparency, responsible data usage, and genuine social responsibility, marketers are confronted with the dual challenge of maintaining profitability while upholding ethical standards. In this era of heightened scrutiny, the strategic acquisition of talent has emerged as a linchpin in achieving these twin objectives.

This chapter explores the vital intersection of talent acquisition, ethical marketing, and the pivotal role of technology and data governance in driving these initiatives forward. In today's digital world, where consumer data is both a valuable asset and a potential liability, marketing professionals must adopt ethical practices and robust data governance to safeguard trust, brand reputation, and customer relationships. The process of recruiting and nurturing the right talent is foundational to the success of any organization. In the context of ethical marketing, this process takes on added significance. Ethical marketing endeavours to balance economic goals with social and environmental responsibility. To achieve this equilibrium, organizations must attract and develop a diverse and skilled workforce that not only understands the intricacies of ethical marketing but is also committed to its principles. Furthermore, these professionals must be well-versed in the latest technologies and data governance practices to ensure that ethical standards are upheld throughout the marketing process.

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