Strategic Shift in Marketing Communication During COVID-19

Strategic Shift in Marketing Communication During COVID-19

Rahul Gupta, Amit Kumar Pandey, Sanjeev Bansal
Copyright: © 2022 |Pages: 19
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-3504-5.ch003
(Individual Chapters)
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During COVID-19, several disruptions were reported, activities got halted, and the focus of marketing shifted towards social media due to engagements of the clients towards various available platforms. The use of the internet and social media increased during and after the pandemic. Digital communications attracted customers towards contactless access and the availability of required services. Interactions among various stakeholders including companies, suppliers, and customers increased during these times for hassle-free and uninterrupted services. A paradigm shift was observed in advertising patterns, customer relationship management, service management, and digital tools and media engagements during the pandemic. A strategic shift, observed during the pandemic, has been explored and covered in this chapter. A theoretical framework of hassle-free uses of digital tools in the pandemic has also been developed and included using various social media platforms.
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Digital Tools And Marketing Communication

Emerging technologies make sales effort more convenient and helpful for the customers in 21st century (Nanda & Kumar, 2022). To effectively communicate the target audience and generate awareness about the products digital tools are extensively used. Managing customer integration with the organization has become convenient with the help of appropriate marketing communication tools. A successful marketer understands the uses of these tools to generate incremental business and to reach at the target audience across (Kusumawati et al., 2021).

One of the most prominent tools used for integrated marketing communication is advertising where a paradigm shift has been observed during the pandemic. For maximum reachability and awareness of products and services among the customers. Above the line (ATL) advertising is terminology used for the mass appeal, where different media like Television, Radio, Print media, Cinema and Outdoor media like billboard and commuter displays are extensively used for communication (Kumar & Saurabh, 2021).

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