Strategic Human Resources Management as a Key Element in the Implementation of Organizational Changes

Strategic Human Resources Management as a Key Element in the Implementation of Organizational Changes

Athanasios Kriemadis, Ioannis Rossidis, Dimitrios Belias
Copyright: © 2023 |Pages: 17
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-0235-4.ch001
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The ever-changing socio-economic conditions combined with globalization's high impact have rendered necessary the development of mechanisms for the continuous integration of organizational change, enabling the organizations to meet the needs of their emerging role. Despite the undeniable importance of implementing changes, organizations face a number of transition problems in these new situations. Perhaps the most important problem lies with the successful management of human resources during an attempted change. Management of human resources is of high administrative importance in the process of achieving the transition to the desired situation. The present analysis aims to examine in depth the impact of the human resources management strategy on the implementation of organizational change in the light of the principles of change management.
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2. The Need To Implement Organizational Changes

The concept of organizational change refers to any element of the organization, whether it concerns the formulation of the organization's strategy itself or individual elements of its management (Bouradas, 2015). Changes can be large or small in scale. Large-scale changes refer to the review of the structure, the restructuring of the processes, the change of strategy, the introduction of new technologies, the redefinition of the organizational culture, etc. Small-scale changes consist of departmental changes, such as the redistribution of tasks, the development of new skills, etc. (Hayes, 2018).

Homstein (2015) refers to the fact that for many years change was the subject of planning and was done in a very organized way. However, as the years go by, it becomes more and more apparent that change is necessary due to the constant changes in the environment. In fact, the need arises from the fact that changes in the environment are often unpredictable. This also means that companies and their staff should be ready to make these changes (Petrou et al., 2018). Hence, change is a necessity that should be present and deeply embedded into the planning of organizations. The process of change is something that happens in all organizations (Gali, 2018). In many cases change can be the result of planning while in other cases change can be the result of some unplanned movements adopted in an effort of the organization to face the challenges and opportunities that may arise from changes in the business environment (Rossidis et al, 2020c).

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