Staying Safe in the Digital Age: Mobile App Advancements

Staying Safe in the Digital Age: Mobile App Advancements

Seema Babusing Rathod, Rupali A. Mahajan, Bhisham Sharma, Purushottam R. Patil
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 13
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1435-7.ch018
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In our interconnected digital world, opportunities for communication and productivity abound. However, digital safety concerns loom. Mobile apps are crucial in protecting personal and data security. They provide tools for antivirus, secure communication, and privacy. These apps empower users to manage their digital lives with features like app permissions, two-factor authentication, and encryption. Furthermore, they educate users on safe online practices, enhancing digital literacy. These apps foster community safety through reporting features. Their adaptability ensures users stay ahead of emerging threats, with future enhancements like AI and advanced biometric authentication. Transparency and privacy play a central role in building trust. In our digital-centric lives, these apps are essential for ensuring digital well-being. Digital safety is an ongoing journey, requiring awareness and adaptation. Embracing these tools, the authors confidently navigate the digital age.
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2. Literature Survey

A literature survey on the topic of “Staying Safe in the Digital Age: Mobile App Advancements” reveals a wealth of research and scholarly work related to the challenges, risks, and strategies for ensuring digital safety in the context of mobile apps (Priyanka et al., 2023). Here is an overview of key themes and findings from existing literature.

2.1 Security Risks in Mobile Apps: Researchers have extensively investigated the various security risks associated with mobile apps (Murugesan et al., 2023). These risks include data breaches, malware, phishing attacks, and vulnerabilities within the apps themselves. Scholars have explored how these risks can compromise users' personal information and privacy (Chuang, 2021).

2.2 Privacy Concerns: Privacy concerns related to mobile apps have been a significant focus of research. Studies have examined how apps collect and use personal data, often without clear user consent (Chuang, 2021). Researchers have also looked at the implications of data sharing among apps and with third parties.

2.3 User Behaviour and Awareness: A recurring theme is the role of user behaviours and awareness in digital safety. Studies emphasize the importance of educating users about safe app usage, including the significance of strong, unique passwords and the risks of downloading apps from untrusted sources (Arslan et al., 2022).

2.4 Regulations and Compliance: Many researchers have discussed the need for regulatory frameworks and compliance standards to enhance mobile app security and protect user data. They explore the effectiveness of existing regulations such as GDPR and examine potential future developments in this area (Braun & Clarke, 2022).

2.5 Security Tools and Best Practices: The literature offers insights into security tools and best practices for mobile app users. This includes discussions on using virtual private networks (VPNs), mobile security apps, and encryption techniques to enhance personal security (Baum et al., 2011).

2.6 User Experience vs. Security: Scholars have debated the delicate balance between user experience and security in mobile apps. They consider how user-friendly security features influence adoption and compliance with safety measures.

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