Startup Ecosystem as the Basis of Enterpreneurship Development: Regional Aspects

Startup Ecosystem as the Basis of Enterpreneurship Development: Regional Aspects

Olena Dymchenko, Valentyna Smachylo, Olha Rudachenko, Natalia Dril
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-5976-8.ch002
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StartupBlink displays a map of the startup ecosystem and a research center that works to identify the dynamics of startup ecosystems around the world and help accelerate their growth. For a detailed investigation of the best practices for developing generalized recommendations for the development of the startup ecosystem, it is proposed to group countries, taking into account their rating and the changes that occurred in 2021 compared to 2020. Thus, the section groups countries by 5 clusters of startup ecosystems, which in the future may become the basis for the development of recommendations for business development and the formation of startup ecosystem strategies.
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StartupBlink displays a map of the startup ecosystem and a research center that works to identify the dynamics of startup ecosystems around the world and help accelerate their growth.The Global Startup Ecosystem Index consists of hundreds of thousands of data points that are processed using an algorithm that considers several dozen parameters. The methodology for calculating the StartupBlink ecosystem index includes 3 components: quantitative, qualitative indicators, and an assessment of the business environment. The research methodology is based on the analysis of the dynamics of countries ' ranks of changes in the Global Startup Ecosystem Index rating from StartupBlink, which allows to determine dynamic changes by year (2021-2020), as well as structural changes that led to such changes in the context of index components. For a detailed investigation of the best practices for developing generalized recommendations for the development of the startup ecosystem, it is proposed to group countries taking into account their rating and the changes that occurred in 2021 compared to 2020. For this purpose, these methods are enhanced by cluster analysis, which forms the homogeneous groups of countries and determines common characteristics. The purpose of cluster analysis is to form relatively homogeneous groups (clusters) in the variable space based on a set of models and methods for aggregating rows in the data matrix. Thus, the section groups countries by 5 clusters of startup ecosystems, which in the future may become the basis for the development of recommendations for business development and the formation of startup ecosystem strategies.

StartupBlink is of the particular interest, it displays a map of the startup ecosystem and a research center that works to identify the dynamics of startup ecosystems around the world and help accelerate their growth. For a detailed investigation of the best practices for developing generalized recommendations for the development of the startup ecosystem, it is proposed to group countries taking into account their rating and the changes that occurred in 2021 compared to 2020. Thus, the section groups countries by 5 clusters of startup ecosystems, which in the future may become the basis for the development of recommendations for business development and the formation of startup ecosystem strategies.

Most of the venture capital and innovations are concentrated in only a few regions of the world, studying the experience of startup development in these countries and regions is very important. The startup ecosystem permeates all walks of life. The regional level plays an important role in the overall development.

The Global Startup Ecosystem Index consists of hundreds of thousands of data points that are processed using an algorithm that considers several dozen parameters. The methodology for calculating the StartupBlink ecosystem index includes 3 components: quantitative, qualitative indicators, and an assessment of the business environment.

Global Startup Ecosystem Index 2021 presents a rating of countries with a total number of 100, where total Score (corresponds to the position in the rating) and Rank Change (from 2020) are marked (shows the change in the rating in 2021 relative to 2020). The research methodology is based on the analysis of the dynamics of countries ' ranks of changes in the Global Startup Ecosystem Index rating from StartupBlink, which allows to determine dynamic changes by year (2021-2020), as well as structural changes that led to such changes in the context of index components. For a detailed investigation of the best practices for developing generalized recommendations for the development of the startup ecosystem, it is proposed to group countries taking into account their rating and the changes that occurred in 2021 compared to 2020. For this purpose, these methods are enhanced by cluster analysis, which forms the homogeneous groups of countries and determines common characteristics. The purpose of cluster analysis is to form relatively homogeneous groups (clusters) in the variable space based on a set of models and methods for aggregating rows in the data matrix.

Clustering, or cluster analysis, is a statistical procedure which task is to divide a sample of objects into non - overlapping subsets called clusters. Each cluster must consist of similar objects, and objects from different clusters must differ significantly from each other. The cluster analysis method is the formation of relatively homogeneous groups (clusters) in the space of variables based on a set of models and methods for aggregating rows of a data matrix. The use of cluster analysis has a certain sequence of actions and involves the use of several methods.

Key Terms in this Chapter

GRP: Gross regional product

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