Sport Marketing: Cyber Strategies for Clubs and Events

Sport Marketing: Cyber Strategies for Clubs and Events

Copyright: © 2014 |Pages: 13
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-4864-7.ch012
(Individual Chapters)
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This chapter introduces and informs the reader about the new technologies used in the world of sports through their actors: players, athletes, teams, and events. The new media’s opportunities are processed, highlighting the way sports organizations make use of the potential of these new communication channels in their marketing strategy to interact and control both the message and content offered to their customers. This chapter also has a section specifically devoted to the use of social networks and virtual communities in the sports sector. Likewise, this chapter draws attention to the problems linked to the indiscriminate use of this technology such as distribution problems, information control, intrusiveness, and the latest studies and advances in sport marketing online strategies.
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A New Opportunity Of Communication

There is a large body of scientific literature on the use of Internet as a primary communication by sports companies. However, there is little information about the effectiveness and influence of mobile technology and social media in the communication on sport organizations.

Some communication tools such as Facebook and Twitter are becoming mass media that are employed by sports teams and players to connect daily with their fans and followers. In particular, FC Barcelona currently has over 41 million followers on his Facebook page (updated to April 2013). The label sports players and athletes photos, update their profiles, comment the games, upload videos on their exploits or favorite scenes or create online publications. This will become the media of mass information and propaganda throughout the world anywhere and at any time.

All for little or no cost compared to traditional media, sports organizations have begun to use the Internet technology to reach consumers of sport to a whole new level. Sports organizations are creating fan pages on Facebook, where members can join and receive updates on upcoming games, events and promotions. In addition, the sports facilities are using Facebook as a resource for creating additional websites where members of your page receives event notifications, discount tickets, and the invitation to participate in contests.

The latest fashion tool social networking is Twitter. This social network allows users to send short updates to 140 characters known as “tweets” to other members or followers. They are open and public access.

Taking advantage of low investment and technology requirements that social media demands, managers of sports organizations hope to increase the value of your brand and provide added value to its consumers and fans.

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