A Specialized Evaluation and Comparison of Sample Data Mining Software

A Specialized Evaluation and Comparison of Sample Data Mining Software

John Wang, Xiaohua Hu, Kimberly Hollister, Dan Zhu
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-60566-954-0.ch019
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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Finding the right software is often hindered by different criteria as well as by technology changes. The authors performed an AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) analysis using Expert Choice to determine which data mining package was most suitable. Deliberating a dozen alternatives and objectives led them to a series of pair-wise comparisons. When further synthesizing the results, Expert Choice helped provide a clear rationale for the decision. The issue is, data mining technology is changing very rapidly. This chapter focused only on the major suppliers typically available in the market place. The method and the process that was used can be easily applied to analyze and compare other data mining software or knowledge management initiatives.
Chapter Preview

Data Mining Software

Data mining software analyzes- based on open-ended user queries- relationships and patterns that are stored in transaction data. Available are several types of analytical software: statistical, machine learning and neural networks, decision trees, Naive-Bayes, K-Nearest Neighbor, rule induction, clustering, rules based, linear and logistical regression time sequence, etc. Along the lines of Mena (1998) and Martin (2005), the basic steps of data mining for knowledge discoveries are:

  • 1.

    Define business problem

  • 2.

    Build data mining data base

  • 3.

    Explore data

  • 4.

    Prepare data for modeling

  • 5.

    Build model

  • 6.

    Evaluate model

  • 7.

    Deploy model

  • 8.


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