Solid Waste Management in the Context of Public Policies and Private Sector Participation: Thoughts on the Need of a Comprehensive Approach

Solid Waste Management in the Context of Public Policies and Private Sector Participation: Thoughts on the Need of a Comprehensive Approach

Gamze Yıldız Şeren
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-8970-9.ch015
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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Public policies have undoubtedly a very important position in the economy. The environmental economy is a phenomenon that requires intervention in the market through public policies. This is because environmental problems need to be intervened with public policy tools because they have the characteristics of externalities and are public goods. Accordingly, waste management is a subject of environmental economics, at which point public policies come into play particularly at the level of local governments and gain importance. However, this is not only a matter of public policies but also requires the active involvement of the private sector and social participation. The participation of society and non-governmental organizations, as well as public and private partnerships plays a pivotal role in the effective management of this process because it is difficult to understand the significance of solid waste management for a society that has not completed its intellectual and cultural education.
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Necessity Of Solid Waste Management: Hightlights On The Concept And Scope

Solid waste refers to non-liquid wastes produced as a result of human activities and waste materials emerged due to some disasters. Accordingly, solid wastes can be exemplified as mud and debris emerged due to disasters, human faeces disposed of in garbage dumps, and domestic wastes such as plastic water bottles, ash, packaging materials food wastes (WHO).

Evidenceis present from the early Roman Empire times that waste management systems had been organized by the public, and throughout history, the collection and disposal of waste manifested itself as a prioritized issuenot only to preserve the health of the city dwellersbut also to improve the aesthetic appearance of the region. In the 19th century, the sprawl of cities and the growth of industrialization led to anincreased amount of waste productionand a significant change in the composition of these wastes. As the interest in environmental protection increased, wastes were seen as recoverable resources with the 20th century (The World Bank Group, 2018, p. 9). Table 1 outlines how solid waste management (SWM) system works. Accordingly, the table shows that after solid waste occurs, it is collected, transported and then stored.

Table 1.
Solid waste management system

Source: (Shekdar, 2009, p.1439)

Key Terms in this Chapter

Solid Waste Management: Non-liquid wastes that can harm the environment by causing negative externalities as a result of failure to collect/dispose the waste regularly and carefully.

Externalities: The positive or negative effect (social costs or social benefits) arising from the production or consumption activity of a producer or consumer

Regulations: The economic or social regulations introduced by the public.

Community-Based Organization: Informal institutions established to meet the needs of a community

Public Goods: Goods for which there is no competition in consumption and exclusion from benefits

Public Policy: Policies in which the state intervenes into the economy with various economic and social motives through the borrowing, taxes and public expenditures

Environmental Economics: It is a branch of science in which the connection between environment and economy is revealed, examined and evaluated.

Municipal Solid Waste: Consumed or thrown away products that can be regarded as garbage such as food waste and product packaging.

Public-Private Partnerships: It is the partial/total control/transfer of goods or services (which will vary depending on the nature of the agreement) that is being served by the public.

Millennium Development Goals: At the Millennium Summit took place in 2000, a number of targets were identified and a commitment was made to a global partnership. Ensuring environmental sustainability is one of the targets set.

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