Sol-Gel-Based Multifunctional Superhydrophobic Coatings and Its Tribological Properties

Sol-Gel-Based Multifunctional Superhydrophobic Coatings and Its Tribological Properties

Satish A. Mahadik, F. Pedraza, Sarika S. Mahadik
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-9683-8.ch012
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This chapter summarizes key issues in the fields of multifunctional superhydrophobic coatings with an analysis of their tribological properties. In this respect, the authors explore a simple sol-gel process strategy and tribological properties controlled through a reaction of ORMOSIL-based polymers that generate multifunctional minimum free energy structures of micro- to nano-scale siloxane chains. Different compositions and dimensions of solid materials (contact angle = 150° and sliding angle = 10°) can be superhydrophobic fabricated through various deposition methods. The complete waterproof layering has been demonstrated to have excellent cost, scalability, and especially the ability to encapsulate other functional groups. The perspectives have established many significant functionalities with better tribological properties for the next generation of smart multifunctional superhydrophobic coatings.
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Methods For Producing Superhydrophobic Coatings.

Superhydrophobic surfaces fabrication strategies can be classified and shown in figure 1.

Figure 1.

Outline of the general synthesis strategy of superhydrophobic coatings.


Roughening Of Hydrophobic Materials

The superhydrophobicitycanbe created by roughening the surface without any surface functionalization. The film can be made transparent by making the size of the particle or texture on the film much smaller or larger than the light wavelength. Dual scale texture with low-energy surfaces can produce superhydrophobic surfaces. Good superhydrophobic properties can be achieved whenever of the dual scale textures are fabricatedby wet deposition methods (dipping, spinning, spray and dropping)on fine or rough polished metal substrates. For instance, Pedraza et al. (PhysChemChemPhys 2013)developed an easy, but versatile method to fabricate superhydrophobic coating by roughening thesubstrates by electropolishing. These films are superhydrophobic with multifunctional properties like higher optical transparency, reversible superoleophobicity, thermal stability, mechanical strength, and show prolonged durability(S. A. Mahadik et al., 2012, 2013).

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