Software Requirements Definition Processes in Gamification Development for Immersive Environments

Software Requirements Definition Processes in Gamification Development for Immersive Environments

Paulo Veloso Gomes, João Donga, Vítor J. Sá
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-7472-0.ch005
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The implementation of gamification in immersive environments is a complex and multidimensional process. A socio-technical approach is necessary to cover all the specifications that the system needs to satisfy the needs and the purpose of its genesis. The use of virtual reality (VR) technologies in mental healthcare associated with gamification mechanisms has been gaining popularity. Two projects were developed using VR, one that allows people to experience and better understand mental health conditions through empathy construct and the other can be used to help patients with social phobia or Arachnophobia to reduce their phobias using VR solutions and real-time biofeedback. The authors analyze the aspects that influence the development of immersive environments and gamification mechanisms and propose a socio-technical methodology based on actor-network theory for the survey and definition of requirements.
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Immersive Environments Are Just Technological Artifacts?

Immersive environments are complex artifacts involving a strong technological component. However, the concept of immersiveness confronts the duality between giving and receiving. It suggests “to enter”, “to dive into”, “to be part of”, but also to “imbue”, to impregnate ”and “receive it” (Paulo Veloso Gomes et al., 2019) .

An immersive environment contributes to an individual process that increases the person's receptivity to the construction of their own emotions. Emotions make each person react individually to a stimulus. This reaction is personal, because the same stimulus can trigger different emotions in different people, or even different emotions in the same person at different times (Paulo Veloso Gomes et al., 2019).

Gamification can be used as a motivation strategy in training programs and knowledge transmission. The construction of immersive gamification environments faces some multidimensional challenges, especially when it is intended to use the player's biofeedback as an interaction mechanism in order to influence the game's narrative.

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