Social Networks and Security Challenges

Social Networks and Security Challenges

Tamari Chinchaladze
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-5760-3.ch002
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In contrast to the last century, in the 21st century internet communications and technology have developed quite a bit. Various sites and social networks appeared on the world stage, through which it became easier to find information and communicate with other people who are in another city or country. The pandemic in 2019-2022 has forced the developed and developing countries of the world to face a new situation – manage countries/companies, work and perform official duties remotely, have contact with relatives, get education, and carry out other activities. This topic will discuss and analyze the pros and cons of the most famous social networks, the protection of their users' information, and the crimes committed through said networks that violate human economic freedom, dignity, and the right to receive information. The chapter will discuss various crimes that are committed through social networks, for example, fraud, distribution of pornographic works, cyberbullying, cybercrimes.
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2. Methodological Bases Of The Research

The chapter is based on the general scientific, legal-comparative, analysis, systematization, classification and comparative methods of cognition, logical, dogmatic, deduction and induction, analysis and synthesis, system-structural, dialectical, and statistical methods of functional data. The research also actively uses various sociological methodologies that take into account the specifics of the object and subject of study, particularly: the abstract-logical method, which includes such approaches to research as analysis and synthesis, deduction and induction, analogy, formal logic, and more.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Civil Law: Defines the rights and responsibilities of individuals, government entities and private or non-government organization in their interactions with each other.

Non-Contractual Obligation: Is that non-contractual obligations arise in cases expressly provided by law and independently of the will of the obligor.

Crime: Is an unlawful act punishable by a state.

Victim: Is a person harmed, injured, or killed as a result of a crime, accident, or other event or action.

Criminal Law: Is the body of law that relates to crime.

Tampering Computer Data and/or Computer System for Financial Gain: Unauthorized entry into the computer system, unauthorized insertion, deletion, modification or covering of computer data or any unauthorized interference in the operation of the computer system, which caused financial damage to others, in order to obtain property rights for oneself or others or to receive any kind of financial benefit.

Fraud: Is a crime committed again property.

Contractual Obligation: Arises only on the basis of the will of the person and within the binding requirements of the law.

Civil Obligations: Arise under the law. According to the first part of article 317 of the Civil Code of Georgia, a transaction between the participants is necessary for the occurrence of the obligation, except in cases when the obligation arises from damage (tort), unjust enrichment or other grounds provided by law.

Personal Information: Is information that relates to an identified or identifiable individual.

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