Social Media Literacy of Agricultural Librarians in the Philippines

Social Media Literacy of Agricultural Librarians in the Philippines

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-9542-9.ch009
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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The emergence of online collaborative learning and knowledge sharing is pervasive. Social media tools became a trend that libraries have to adapt to maintain user interaction. The study determines the technical competencies of agricultural librarians in the Philippines. It defines the social media literacy level of agricultural librarians in the country. This chapter is a derivative work on the acquired knowledge, perceptions and attitudes of medical and health librarians towards Library 2.0 in the Philippines. A former study on the level of awareness and gaps among medical and health librarians in the use, creation, and adaptation of Web 2.0 tools specifically in the Philippines were already confirmed in the past. This study established that agricultural librarians are highly experienced in certain competencies such as creating content and interacting with users while others have reached expert level in most of the competencies.
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Following the previous study on the technical competencies of medical and health librarians in a Library 2.0 environment, this study will check whether agricultural librarians are also adept in the Library 2.0 environment. This derivative work would like to:

  • Determine the social media literacy level of agricultural librarians in the Philippines.

  • Reveal any gaps among agricultural librarians in the use, creation, and adaptation of Library 2.0 tools especially in informing, educating, and empowering their users.


A lot of resources have already been written about Web 2.0 since 2005 when O’Reilly popularized the term. Web 2.0 tools are being used by the Philippine libraries as a marketing and reference tool. Academic libraries have shifted from traditional reference services and adapted the use of Web 2.0 in the country (Ramos-Eclevia, 2012). Most of them use it as a marketing tool (Ramos & Abrigo, 2012). In medical and health libraries (which are considered special libraries), Web 2.0 tools are used to engage stakeholders with evidenced-based medical information (Gardois, Colombi, Grill & Villanaci, 2012). The new role of librarians is to deliver services and information using new technologies. The librarian should be learning new ways on how to disseminate information in a participative, collaborative and interactive manner (Cooper & Crum, 2012; Yap, 2010).

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