Social Media and NPOs: An Integrative Literature Review

Social Media and NPOs: An Integrative Literature Review

Ana Isabel Canavarro, Susana Cristina Santos, Joana Vagaroso Tiago
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-8984-0.ch004
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The nonprofit sector has been growing around the world. In addition, non-profit organizations (NPOs) are an essential piece of a healthy society. It's undeniable that NPOs (also known as voluntary, independent third sector, or nongovernmental societal sectors) are a relevant part of our society. The activities of fundraising are vital. Following the digital transformation, NPOs have operated in a digital context. These organizations need digital marketing strategies, since the competition is high. This chapter was written with the purpose of elucidating the following research questions: which is the actual state of the art regarding the use of social media marketing in NPOs? In the midst of the various social media tools, which are the ones most successful for NPOs, regarding securing donors and fundraising goals? A qualitative approach was elected, involving an integrative literature review, from 2013 to 2021. Inclusion and exclusion criteria were applied. The authors hope to contribute to a synthesis of knowledge and applicability of results of significant studies into practice.
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2. Methodology

An integrative literature review is proposed in order to gain an overall understanding of the current state of the art in the use of social media marketing by NPOs and, more specifically, which are the most successful social media tools and strategies.

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