Social Media and Events: Before, During, and After

Social Media and Events: Before, During, and After

Gulser Yavuz, Kemal Enes
Copyright: © 2021 |Pages: 17
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-4954-4.ch009
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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Globally, the number of the internet and social media users is increasing day by day. The event industry has been affected by that popularity of social media and so event management and event marketing activities have changed radically. In this research, the importance of the social media in the events, management of the event, and finding how to take advantage of the social media by the marketing of the event are explored. Using of the social media in events was examined in these three parts: before, during, and after the events. Today it is regarded as an important tool used by the event managers of social media platforms and so social media has become an indispensable part of the events.
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The habits related to communication are changing. Especially in the last 10 years, the channels used in communication have evolved and new communication channels are becoming more popular. As one of the most striking examples of today, 13 million people followed the marriage of Prince William and Catherine Middleton on the official YouTube channel, rather than the usual communication channel, television. They preferred two-way communication instead of one-way communication of traditional media by making live comments during the entire marriage process.

Social media gained the throne of television, which is the most important communication tool due to the emerging technology and the rapid increase of people's use of internet and mobile technology. TV celebrities are being replaced by influencers and bloggers and people prefer to be in touch around the clock or even 24 hours a day, not just at the beginning, as on TV.

This emerging communication technology has a serious impact in many sectors. Especially the event sector is one of the most common areas of this impact. Without social media support, it seems unthinkable for events to take place. Therefore, event management is also evolving with this process and continues to develop in order to benefit from the benefits of social media at a high level.

Communications with participants, stakeholders, and sponsors through social media, especially before, during, and after the event, are supported by social media in some cases carried out only through social media.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Influencer: Having a large audience of followers on a social media channel, the power to influence their purchasing decisions due to their expertise, knowledge, location or relationship with their audience are called Influencer.

Hashtag: A word or phrase with the symbol “#” in front of it, used on social media websites and apps so that you can search for all messages with the same subject. This function was created on Twitter.

ROI/Return on Investment: Interest or dividends shown as a percentage of the money invested.

Social media: Forms of media that allows people to communicate and share information in two ways using the internet or mobile phones.

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