Social Media and Economics Education: Addressing Challenges and Leveraging Tools for K-12 Educators

Social Media and Economics Education: Addressing Challenges and Leveraging Tools for K-12 Educators

S. Baranidharan, Julie Sunil, Sonal Devesh
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 22
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-7583-6.ch008
(Individual Chapters)
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This case study focuses on the challenges and opportunities associated with integrating social media into the K-12 economics curriculum. Ms. Smith, a high school economics teacher, faced a number of challenges when implementing social media into her teaching practices, including issues related to student engagement, cyberbullying, and privacy concerns. However, she also recognized the potential benefits of using social media in the classroom, including increased student engagement, improved collaboration and communication, and enhanced access to information and resources. To address these challenges, Ms. Smith implemented a number of remedies and measurements, including providing professional development for teachers, establishing clear guidelines for social media use, providing technical support, encouraging parent involvement, and regularly assessing the impact of social media on student learning. Through her approach, Ms. Smith was able to effectively integrate social media into her economics curriculum and enhance student learning and engagement.
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Social media has played a significant role in the education, providing educators with tools and resources to create a more engaging learning experience for students. In this case study, we will explore effective economics education topics for K-12 educators and the tools provided by social media to enhance their teaching strategies. The case study will provide a roadmap on using X (formerly Twitter) in the K-12 classroom, which aligns with previous work (Jones & Baltzersen, 2017).

A group of K-12 educators from various schools in the United States collaborated on social media to develop effective economics education topics for their students. They identified the following topics as key to the students' understanding of economics:

  • 1.

    Budgeting and Saving: This topic focuses on the importance of budgeting and saving money. Educators use real-world examples to help students understand how to manage their finances.

  • 2.

    Supply and Demand: This topic helps students understand how the price of goods and services is determined by supply and demand in the market.

  • 3.

    Market Structures: This topic teaches students about different types of market structures, including monopolies, oligopolies, and perfect competition.

  • 4.

    Globalization: This topic helps students understand the impact of globalization on the world economy, including the advantages and disadvantages of free trade.

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