Social Learning Analytics: Learning How We Learn on YouTube

Social Learning Analytics: Learning How We Learn on YouTube

Mustafa Şahin Bülbül
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-7103-3.ch009
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Despite the idea that learning is individual, the YouTube channel has been examined to explain how learning is controlled in social networks. What kind of mechanism does the YouTube channel, which deeply influences the education world, work with and what does this structure tell the educators? What do data such as the number of views and comments on YouTube mean? Also, what kind of a model can be established between the video proposition system and our individual and social learning? This study has been prepared to shed light on the questions mentioned.
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We communicate in daily life to learn. Modern humans use written communication channels in addition to verbal communication. Reading is a bridge between the past and the future, it brings far distances closer and the author's perception of the world transfers to the reader. Although it is also possible to teach and learn foreign languages with sound and pictures, reading is not as effective on language learning skills as videos. For this reason, videos are indispensable resources for pronunciation teaching and multi-language education (Watkins & Wilkins, 2011).

Internet sites that provide information by reading are classic websites and are called as web 1.0. Internet sites (such as YouTube ©) that contain larger files (Abhari & Soraya, 2010) and change according to the website visitor's choices are known as new web or web 2.0 (Gill, Arlitt & Mahanti, 2007). People's interactions with each other and with information occur not only through one social media, but also through multiple interrelated social media; social network (Lange, 2007).

People acquire most of the vital knowledge they acquire from their social environment, and the education of the social environment is carried out by the media, which has long been called newspapers, radio and television; YouTube © is new media (Snickars & Vonderau, 2009). It is a social effect that can cause not only social culture but also individual accumulation and culture to affect society (Chau, 2010). For this reason, one of the indicators of the learning of the society and the individual is social media analysis (Haridakis & Hanson, 2009).

Today, it is possible to extract / produce data using artificial intelligence without purchasing a direct data set from YouTube © (Abu-El-Haija, Kothari, Lee, Natsev, Toderici, Varadarajan & Vijayanarasimhan, 2016). For this reason, there are different explanations about different studies and operation of the system (Adhikari, Jain, Chen & Zhang, 2012; Hoßfeld, Seufert, Hirth, Zinner, Tran-Gia & Schatz, 2011). This study includes the current literature and some applied reviews.

The way of learning and teaching has changed after the inclusion of YouTube © in our education life; It is possible to watch educational videos by pausing, slowing down and reading the subtitle. Also; In addition to teachers, new trainers called phenomena contributed to our education life with many videos (Clifton & Mann, 2011). Because of the large number of videos, teachers should also teach students to be critical and choose educational videos (Jones & Cuthrell, 2011). Misinformation especially in the field of health has the potential to create irreversible effects (Keelan, Pavri-Garcia, Tomlinson & Wilson, 2007; Jaffar, 2012; Madathil, Rivera-Rodriguez, Greenstein & Gramopadhye, 2015). Students are required to take responsibility for their learning using YouTube ©. Students' critical approach to videos and their own research on YouTube's © video suggestion system can help them take on learning responsibilities.

As a result of the influence of the individual on the society and the society on the individual, both the thoughts of the individual and some of the thoughts that are valid in the general society may change. The issue of which video should be watched by teachers who want to change the thoughts of both the student and the class on the subject to be discussed is important. The aim of this study is to diversify learning analytics through a system such as Youtube (c) that uses big data, by showing that the presented and tested model can contribute to the video selection criteria and video preparation stages of the educators. Showing that such open systems, which are directed by the society and the individual while guiding the society and the individual, work in a manner similar to the laws of nature, is what makes this study unique and important.

The process of collecting, measuring, analyzing and reporting information about learners and their contexts in order to make learning environments more qualified can be called learning analytics (LAK, 2011). Therefore, learning analytics is a new, emerging field where advanced analysis tools are used for learning and teaching purposes and is related to many other fields such as education and work (Del Blanco, Serrano, Freire, Martínez-Ortiz & Fernández-Manjón, 2013). In this section, what kind of information and comments we can reach by examining the individual and social video watching of learners. Understanding the relationship between the number of general audiences and individual preferences and directions through a model will pave the way for further research.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Social Learning Analytics: They are indicators of making sense of the footprints of the society and the individuals who make up the society. In this study, a study was conducted on YouTube © videos, the leading website of distance learning. Using viewing and other open data, it has been tried to be interpreted in a way similar to the General Relativity Theory.

Theory of General Relativity: The theory that explains why planets and stars attract each other in space. According to this theory, large mass bends space-time larger than other small celestial bodies, and this large pit is the cause of the strong gravity.

Social Learning Theory: It is the theory that explains how learning takes place through society. This explanation, which is based on the difference between environments where people can interact and environments where self-learning activities can be performed, forms the basis of the need for social learning analytics.

Personal Learning Analytics: Indicators of making sense of the footprints of the individual in the learning process. Based on the individual's freedom of choice, the data obtained from the process are associated with the individual and used in the recognition of the individual. Considering the reasons for the individual's preferences, the society she or he lives in and the individual's savings cannot be seen as insignificant. Therefore, individual learning analytics should be examined together with social learning analytics.

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