Social Innovation in Higher Education: Business and Social Impacts and Implications

Social Innovation in Higher Education: Business and Social Impacts and Implications

Muhammad Faisal Sultan, Aamir Hussain, Shahid Khan, Raza Ali Khan
Copyright: © 2023 |Pages: 4
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-5417-6.ch011
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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The role of higher education is to benefit society at large to generate sustainable socio-economic returns. Therefore, research and knowledge creation must be rendered to achieve anodyne to overcome social challenges and foster new and better practices. Hence, social innovation is the need of society, especially from higher education providers. Especially after the outbreak of COVID-19, there is a need of social innovation by all stake holders in order to attain a sustainable economy. Although, to provide catalyst to the model of social change and innovation, there is a need of an entrepreneurial model for higher education. However, most of the prior studies with the reference of education are not related with the innovation but with societal impact and produce educational change. Thus, this chapter has been written purposely to describe social innovation by higher education providers. The chapter also includes various examples of social innovation with respect to the higher education sector in order to make readers understand the importance of social innovation in the pre-COVID-19 and post-COVID-19 worlds.
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Need Of Research Studies

Hunt (2011) indicated that higher education sector is facing multiple challenges and the sector is required to revamp its activities in order to improve to lure with the opportunity of serving diversified groups of students. However, most of the prior studies with the reference of education is not related with the innovation but with societal impact & produce educational change (McDonnell-Naughton & Păunescu, 2022). There is a high need of this form of research as prior studies related with innovation in education mostly related with curriculum design, pedagogical approaches, mechanism of support service & innovation. However, the need of entrepreneurial model in higher education is hanging on the shoulder of researchers (Carayannis et al., 2012 & Kolleck et al., 2017) and therefore indications of McDonnell-Naughton and Păunescu (2022), are legitimate to be considered. The relation of higher education providers with change is infancy at this moment. However, if universities can provide sustainability and leads to adoption of measurable change then higher education provider will be the advocates and driver of the change rather than only critics or victim (Blass & Hayward, 2014).

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