Social and Technical Perspective of Individual's Intention to Purchase Mobile Application

Social and Technical Perspective of Individual's Intention to Purchase Mobile Application

Ili Hawa Ahmad, Norshidah Mohamed, Ab Razak Che Hussain
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-9845-1.ch070
(Individual Chapters)
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Mobile application industry has boomed tremendously since it was first introduced in 2007 which has gain practitioners' and researchers' attention. There are substantial numbers of researches on mobile applications that have contributed to business development. This research is aimed at investigating the factors influencing individuals' purchase of mobile application. An exploratory study has been conducted to gain understanding of Malaysian's perspective on mobile application purchase intention. Unstructured interviews were conducted among 19 research participants randomly selected from different background. The results show that perceived usefulness, facilitating condition, perceived value, perceived enjoyment, perceived fee, electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM), application design in terms of features and visual, trust, security, privacy, device compatibility and device consumption in terms of power and memory relate to individual's intention to purchase mobile application.
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The last recent decades witnessed the popularity of traditional internet-based online content services: e-book, e-learning and e-music. Nowadays, the trend is mobile application. Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project (2011) defined mobile application as “an end-user software application designed for a mobile device operating system which extends that device’s capabilities.” The environment of mobile application has changed after Apple released the iPhone (Charland and Leroux, 2011). The existence of iPhone AppStore in 2008 triggered the massive growth of mobile application development as developers have dedicated medium to sell their applications and get engaged with the market societies (Wasserman, 2010). Mobile application store like Apple AppStore offer various types of application for utility to the users in assist them in their daily activities. Examples of applications available are maps, mobile banking, internet browser, mobile ticketing and etc. The existence of those applications has completely changed users’ mobile experiences (Charland and Leroux, 2011) and their daily activities to do certain tasks. Among various types of mobile application available in the market, the most popular and generates huge amount of money is mobile games application (Portio Research, 2013).

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