Smart Tourism Experience and Responsible Travelers' Behavior: A Systematic Literature Review

Smart Tourism Experience and Responsible Travelers' Behavior: A Systematic Literature Review

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 20
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-3286-3.ch008
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The research on smart tourism experiences that take into account the responsible behavior of travelers is booming. The relationship between the development of memorial consumer experiences and the promotion of responsible consumer behavior is a highly sought-after area of research. This is especially true regarding the potential use of emerging technology solutions to enhance tourism services, improve customer smartness, predict responsible behavior, and increase customer satisfaction and loyalty. The purpose of this research is to investigate how the advancement of smart tourism experiences can promote responsible behavior among customers of tourism businesses and destinations. This chapter presents a systematic review of the literature on the interaction between tourism experience and responsible traveler behavior in the context of the transformation of responsible tourism through digital platforms.
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In the contemporary context, social and environmental issues are receiving increasing attention. The global appeal of the Western consumerist trend has been criticized for the strain it places on our planet (Séré de Lanauze et al., 2021). The tourism sector, which plays a major role in these issues, is at a critical juncture and must fundamentally review its model in light of sustainability imperatives (Adongo et al., 2018; Park et al., 2022).

The rapid transformation of tourism raises important questions about how to integrate ethical and responsible considerations into travel planning. It is important to consider environmental degradation, carbon footprints, and social concerns in developing these considerations (Zhang et al., 2023). Research on responsible tourism has become predominant due to the rapid development of technology and the globalization of the travel industry. Promoting social responsibility and sustainability is a top priority while offering enjoyable and enriching travel experiences. It is important to take into account the community and the environment (Acharya et al., 2023).

Our contribution aims to provide an innovative approach to integrating smart tourism experiences to promote responsible behavior among customers of tourism establishments and destinations (Chuang, 2023). This approach allows travelers to participate in co-creating their experience, gain a better understanding of customer preferences, use technology to predict and influence responsible behavior, and explore the design and evaluation of sustainable tourism experiences to maximize their effectiveness. This study fills a gap in the literature (Bhuiyan et al., 2021; Chuang, 2023).

In this context, the tourism sector is leveraging emerging technologies to transform the way travelers experience their trips (Sustacha et al., 2023). In this shift, artificial intelligence plays a critical role, enabling personalized recommendation systems to offer experiences based on individual preferences, resulting in an enjoyable and memorable travel experience (Bhaskar & Sharma, 2022; Lanquar, 2023). Virtual reality and augmented reality technologies have the potential to transform tourism experiences and destination management by providing an immersive dimension (Hoang & Trang, 2023). According to Yan & Jia, (2021), this immersive experience can stimulate tourists' awe in religious contexts and positively influence their pro-environmental behavior. IoT technologies enable devices to connect and collect data in real time, creating a smooth travel experience (Hoang & Trang, 2023). Big data analytics is crucial for improving the marketing effectiveness of tourism companies (Alla et al., 2022). The use of this technology helps predict trends, improve services, and anticipate customer needs, resulting in a more efficient travel experience for tourists (Vecchio et al., 2018).

Environmentally conscious travelers are acting responsibly by becoming increasingly aware of the environmental impact of their travel and stay (Baloch et al., 2022; Falcão & Roseira, 2022). This translates into choosing environmentally friendly modes of transportation (Li et al., 2023) and supporting local communities through ethical consumption (Vermeir & Verbeke, 2006). Responsible traveler behavior promotes positive relationships between tourists and destinations, resulting in more authentic and meaningful experiences (Ulusoy, 2016). The combination of smart tourism and responsible travel practices provides a significant opportunity for a more ethical and responsible tourism industry (SONKO & DEAC, 2020). Tourism stakeholders can leverage technological advances to promote responsible behavior among travelers and enhance their overall experience (T. H. Lee & Jan, 2023).

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