Smart Street Lighting System for Smart Cities Using IoT (LoRa)

Smart Street Lighting System for Smart Cities Using IoT (LoRa)

C. V. Suresh Babu, R. Monika, T. Dhanusha, K. Vishnuvaradhanan, A. Harish
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-9151-5.ch006
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Smart street light systems are being used more frequently in modern communities because they offer an effective and economical way to illuminate roads while reducing energy use and carbon emissions. Now, wireless networks can connect to and manage streetlights. With the aid of this technology, streetlights may be remotely monitored and controlled depending on variables such as traffic flow, weather, and the time of day. Energy is used as efficiently as possible, and maintenance costs are decreased. A smart streetlight system powered by IoT and LoRa can improve a city's efficiency and sustainability while also improving the quality of life for its residents. To maximize energy efficiency and reduce maintenance costs, the system may automatically adjust the streetlights' brightness and scheduling based on the data. This chapter provides a LoRa and IoT-based smart streetlight system with a cost-effective solution for modern smart cities.
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The concept of a “smart street” is to employ technology to enhance urban streets' sustainability, effectiveness, and safety. It is a crucial component of the concept of the smart city, which seeks to use technology to improve urban efficiency, livability, and environmental friendliness. The primary features of smart lights include automated ON-OFF, automatic brightness management, free Wi-Fi, and emergency control. Smart street applications utilizing LoRa technology are a tool for building more livable, sustainable, and effective cities. Cities may raise the standard of living for their citizens by utilizing the power of data and cutting-edge communication technology to increase safety, lessen congestion, and improve quality of life.

A cost-effective and long-lasting solution for street lighting in metropolitan areas that increases safety and lowers energy use and light pollution is a Smart Street Light System for a Smart City using IoT (LoRa) (Suresh Babu, 2023).

The project comprises the installation of a network of IoT-enabled sensors and LoRa communication modules-equipped smart street lights. These sensors may gather data in real-time, such as ambient light levels, traffic patterns, and weather conditions, and send it to a central control system using LoRa wireless communication technology. Depending on the data gathered, the central control system may automatically monitor and manage the street lights, maximizing their functioning and reducing energy waste. It is driven by sophisticated analytics and machine learning techniques.

The smart street light system provides urban areas with a number of advantages. First, by dynamically altering the brightness of the street lights based on real-time data, it may dramatically cut energy consumption, resulting in significant energy savings and a smaller carbon footprint. By automatically recognising aberrant activity, such as accidents or vandalism, and sending out alerts or taking other appropriate action, it can also increase the city's safety and security.

Thirdly, it can raise the general standard of living for residents by fostering a more cosy and secure environment through enhanced illumination. In addition, the system can reduce the need for human inspections and repairs by offering remote monitoring and diagnostics capabilities.

The project is in accordance with the idea of a “smart city,” where cutting-edge technology are used to improve urban surroundings that are more sustainable, effective, and livable. It shows how IoT and LoRa connectivity may transform outdated infrastructure into intelligent, interconnected systems, paving the path for the eventual rollout of smart cities.

A wireless communication technology called LoRa (Long Range) is very well suited for use in smart city applications. LoRa offers low-power, long-distance communication between sensors and other devices, which makes it perfect for use in applications for smart streets to make a smart city. Another benefit of LoRa technology is that it can pass through walls and other obstructions, which is helpful in urban settings where buildings and other structures might hamper wireless communication. It effectively low the cost of maintenance and man power.

Aside from energy savings and increased safety, smart street lighting provides additional benefits such as lower maintenance costs and better monitoring of system performance. Smart street lights may be remotely monitored and controlled utilising advanced communication technologies, allowing communities to swiftly identify and address any issues that develop.

Smart street technology is characterised by the use of sensors, cameras, poles, electric tools, and other apparatus to collect real-time data on traffic patterns, air quality, temperature, and other environmental aspects. Utilising this information can improve air quality, reduce congestion, and improve traffic flow. Smart street technology can also assist in monitoring the condition of infrastructure, such as bridges, buildings, and roadways, in order to detect any flaws before they become serious safety hazards.

By integrating LoRa technology into smart street applications, cities may gather real-time data on traffic patterns, air quality, temperature, and other environmental factors. Utilising this information can enhance air quality, lessen congestion, and improve traffic flow. Additionally, LoRa sensors can be used to keep tabs on the condition of infrastructure like roads, bridges, and buildings, enabling potential problems to be found before they become serious safety concerns.

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