Smart Healthcare Technology Challenges and Future Perspective

Smart Healthcare Technology Challenges and Future Perspective

Priya A. K., Saravanakumar R., Balaji D., Elavarasan S., Kavinkumar V., Satishkumar D.
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-9636-4.ch016
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The vision towards future sustainability in healthcare has become an alarming factor owing to its imperfect system in place based on growth and aging. In order to follow and control every citizen in the health process of their lives, wireless health monitoring must be achieved. The aim of next gen is not just to make wireless healthcare a true technology, but will also enable bio-nano-internet, things allowing the human healthcare to form a controlled network. Less sophisticated wearable and/or implantable equipment would be an integral part of our day-to-day life, which can recognize the lifestyle and health data from all the possible means of interaction. The authors present a vision for a complete model that should meet the expanding healthcare hassles and a conceptual model that can solve these growing expectations in full. In conclusion, the latest developments in the healthcare domain are discussed, and the authors suggest upcoming avenues in this domain on par with the technological growth.
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Despite the fact that 5G is still in its early stages of commercialization, which means that related technical features must be improved and the economic model for such Web of Things as well as specific vertical interactive platform should always be explored even farther, it is indeed important to search forward with towards the abilities of something like the future data. Society and then to initiate suggestion as well as technology investigations for the future generation communications networks. Researchers aim to determine the importance of accelerating concept as well as technical progress for next telecommunication system, termed has 6G. Protection is now becoming especially critical even as rates of chronic sufferers increases as well as the population is aging. Protection is described as both the practice of preserving a healthful lifestyles (physical activity, proper nutrition, as well as frequent health checks), and also preventing the deterioration of chronic conditions. The health - care system's objective would be to contribute actively towards individuals' wellbeing. In just this scenario, it really is vital to develop sophisticated information and communication technologies (ICT) approaches including evidence - based care, personal health assessment, including medical and lifestyle awareness which incorporate information through environmental, wearable, including even within sensors. It enables the establishment of a database of updated regularly clinical evidence about patients, assisting medical practitioners in making a decision (Tian et al., 2019).

To enable the potential for future technologies including such proactive medicine, computer-aided catastrophe prediction, including VR technology, a 6G mobile provider technology must provide extremely fast speeds, expanded capacity, as well as non-proximity (VR). Due to earlier pre-regulation of wireless services, that the very 1st 6G links would be frequently built on the present 5G structure, leveraging 5G's strengths (for illustration, the expansion in permissible frequency bands streamlined the construction of a decentralized system) and transforming how we choreograph as well as play (Pan et al., 2019). Before 2030, the consumers are expected to be impacted by data, which enables fast and infinite wireless communication. As a consequence, 6G is expected to enhance existing communications technology as well as ensure completed successfully. In terms of consistency, 6G is projected to employ a more complex available bandwidth than previous eras in order to achieve 100–1000 times the bandwidth utilization of 5G (Ray, 2021). To be somewhat more precise, 6G technologies will enable the connection of 100s of GBs per sec via bandwidth spectrum; for instance, the combination of a band between 1 and 3 Giga Hertz, a mm wave band (from 30 to 300 Giga Hertz), as well as a terahertz band would then enable the connection of 100s of GBs per second via bandwidth spectrum (0.06 to 10 Tera Hertz).

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