Smart Grid-Integrated Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure: Future Vision

Smart Grid-Integrated Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure: Future Vision

Isa S. Qamber, Mohamed Y. Alhamad
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-6858-3.ch001
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The movements for any type of electric vehicle (EV) can be powered by wheels or driven by rotary motors. EVs derive their power from various sources, including fossil fuels. In the long term, reducing the cost of electrically powered vehicles (EDV) is seen as an essential ingredient to increase consumer acceptance. In addition, it aims to reduce the weight and volume of EDV. Moreover, the focus is on improving the performance, efficiency, and reliability of the EDV. The development of innovative modules is important when the acceleration of production and marketing needs to be improved. Consumers are looking for the production and transmission of electrical energy. This contributes to a greener environment. One of the most important parts of an EV is its battery. A proposed model presented in this chapter considers several parameters: solar radiation (PV panels), EV backup battery, and main charger. The model allows energy storage to be developed efficiently.
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2 Literature Review

The integration of electric vehicles into the electricity network is explained and discussed in this chapter based on a number of sections and subsections. The different number of electric vehicles is also compared. The smart grid appears in this chapter where it is deemed necessary. The smart grid helps, focuses and strives to trust collectively to provide fuel for electric vehicles. The various objective methods and functions can be described and used to normalize EV performance in smart grid techniques discussed and described in this chapter in the context of a future smart grid environment. Finally, electric vehicles are expected to cause a revolution in the automotive industry due to the current and future benefits of urban pollution.

Tang et al. (Tang et al 2019), in their study, they focus on intelligent energy activity. Tang et al. focusing on the economy of electric vehicle batteries in the photovoltaic (PV) diffusion system. Four cases emerged in their study. These cases are without battery storage and without PV coproduction, with battery storage and without PV coproduction, with battery storage and PV production shared under the same user base, and finally battery storage and PV generation distributed to different users. With reference to a criterion, the first location is selected. They conclude that the third and fourth cases can reduce electricity costs. In addition, the fourth position boosts the rate of self-consumption of PV and improves the operational capacity of batteries in retired electric vehicles. This means that the second life of the batteries is improved.

Vehicle to the Grid is a new technology that Shariff et al (Shariff et al 2019) introduced in their new study. The electric vehicle can be used both as a load and energy storage system. This method is used to support the grid. This study includes a modern and complete overview of the vehicle system of the network, in which it describes the method of power flow selected under the vehicle to the network. In addition, the study describes the main barriers to choosing a commercial electric car. Also, the most recent comparison of network transport, domestic vehicle (domestic transport) and transport (vehicle to vehicle) is provided.

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