Smart Environment: Treatment of Wastewater from Toxic Substances in Alloyed Systems

Smart Environment: Treatment of Wastewater from Toxic Substances in Alloyed Systems

Zoran Z. Avramovic, Elmina Musrat Gadirova, Vugar Abdullayev Hajimahmud, Vusala Alyar Abuzarova
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-6016-3.ch010
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Ecological problems are one of the main processes that show the interaction between man and nature. Man's influence on nature and nature's influence on man are mutual. On the other hand, man's effects on nature show their negative side, and this is partly related to the integration of man and technology into nature. Today, one of the most noticeable environmental problems is water pollution and the reduction of freshwater resources. Water pollution occurs for various reasons, one of which is anthropogenic. It is possible to prevent and eliminate this process. From this point of view, technologies are starting to become nature-friendly. There are various methods to prevent pollution. In the chapter, it is mentioned about the purification of wastewater from toxic substances in alloyed systems. Previously, general environmental problems, water pollution, its sources, and causes were mentioned.
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2. Global Environmental Problems

An ecological problem is a change in the natural environment that disrupts the structure and functioning of nature (anthropogenic effects or natural disasters) (Kovalenko & Kovalenko, 2018). Environmental problems are diverse. Among them, the most known and the reasons for their occurrence are summarized in the Table 1 below:

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