Smart Education Systems Using the Internet of Behavior-Based Computational Intelligence

Smart Education Systems Using the Internet of Behavior-Based Computational Intelligence

DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-8151-9.ch008
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Smart education systems are changing quickly thanks to the Internet of Behavior (IoB) and Computational Intelligence (CI). Innovating, personalised, and adaptive learning environments through the combination of IoB and CI is the focus of this paper. Deep insights into student engagement, learning preferences, and perfor-mance are provided by the IoB, which collects and analyses behavioural data from a variety of digital and physical interactions. Computational intelligence uses this data to customise educational interventions and content to the needs of specific learners. It includes methods like machine learning, neural networks, and pre-dictive analytics. IoB and CI together enable personalised feedback, enable early detection of learning diffi-culties, and allow for real-time adaption of teaching strategies in smart education systems. This integration maximises group dynamics, fosters effective peer learning, and enhances collaborative learning. It not only facilitates the implementation of behavioural nudges to support positive educational practices.
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