Smart Distributed Contactless Airport Baggage Management and Handling System

Smart Distributed Contactless Airport Baggage Management and Handling System

Ritik Agarwal, Azam Siddiqui, Shaunak Deshpande, Nikhil Chandrashekhar Chapre, Anmol Mishra, Ansh Khattar, Aswathy Ravikumar, Harini Sriraman
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-9804-0.ch005
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Smart contactless airport baggage management and handling system is a problem solver that fits in maximum aspects of airport luggage security and management system. Thus, ensuring contactless airport management would result in Covid safety. Current baggage handling management systems (BHMS) are highly error prone. The idea proposed here ensures Covid safety and enhances the current BHMS with the power of algorithms. With the use of this software, a revolutionary idea targets the elimination of the involvement of airport staff during the check-in of a passenger. The authors have developed a system that allows every passenger to validate the details of their luggage four times and maintains security by generating a unique QR at separate checkpoints. They also developed the luggage sorting knapsack algorithm to ensure that the goods are placed efficiently and optimized in the luggage compartment.
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Smart Contactless Airport Bhms

The software has mainly four checkpoints that ensure the proper handling and safety of the luggage.

Figure 1.

Smart contactless airport BHMS


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