Smart City Approaches Using Machine Learning and the IoT

Smart City Approaches Using Machine Learning and the IoT

Jay Kumar Pandey, Vivek Veeraiah, Suryansh Bhaskar Talukdar, Veera Bhaskar Talukdar, Vinod Motiram Rathod, Dharmesh Dhabliya
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-6408-3.ch018
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Machine learning has attracted the interest of academics and industrialists and is likely to develop. Machine learning may deliver widespread wireless connectivity. Machine learning enables the internet of things (IoT), which allows objects to communicate without human intervention. Healthcare, smart grids, vehicular communications, etc. use machine learning. The authors explore IoT-based machine learning methods applied in these sectors and others. Lessons learnt and judgments of machine learning's use in IoT networks are also discussed here.
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2. Iot-Dependent Ml Techniques

This section contains articles on ML applications in the environment, healthcare, VANET, device security, agriculture, energy management.

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