Smart Cities and Urban Sustainability With AI

Smart Cities and Urban Sustainability With AI

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 21
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1702-0.ch017
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Artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing urban settings by improving traffic management, energy efficiency, waste reduction, and recycling. AI-powered traffic management systems improve urban mobility, optimize traffic signals, and reduce congestion. It also optimizes waste creation and promotes recycling, improving resource management. AI-driven environmental monitoring apps monitor pollution levels in real-time, allowing proactive measures to reduce environmental impact. AI also analyzes critical infrastructure assets, enhancing public services and quality of life. However, challenges arise, such as data privacy and security, algorithmic bias, and the digital divide. To achieve AI's sustainable potential, public understanding and acceptance, regulatory and ethical standards must be addressed. By addressing these challenges, cities can create smarter, more sustainable, and people-first cityscapes.
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1. Introduction: The Rise Of Smart Cities And The Role Of Ai

The confluence of fast urbanization, environmental concerns, and technology demands has put cities throughout the globe in a position they have never been in before. Data collection, analysis, and management have given rise to the idea of “smart cities,” which are characterized by the widespread use of ICTs. Artificial intelligence (AI) plays a crucial part in this shift, allowing cities to tackle a range of difficulties and build more sustainable, resilient, and habitable urban settings (Jha et al., 2021).

Complex difficulties will be faced by cities as their populations soar towards the predicted 6.6 billion by 2050. More cars on the road means more pollution and gridlock, which is bad for everyone's health. A worsening of climate change is caused by the increasing demand for energy, which puts pressure on natural resources. Problems with landfill disposal and water contamination are among the environmental impacts of the ever-increasing trash volume. More people living in more places means more traffic, interrupted services, and unplanned sprawl as a consequence of overburdened infrastructure. Because of its effects on housing, schools, and healthcare access, urbanization may exacerbate economic and social inequalities, (Sao et al., 2023).

To overcome these obstacles, “smart cities” use information and communication technologies (ICTs) and data analytics to improve city planning, infrastructure administration, and service provision. Artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming crucial due to its capacity to optimize choices by analyzing massive volumes of data. Issues including public safety, infrastructure maintenance, energy efficiency, waste management, environmental monitoring, and traffic management are all part of its scope.

Through the analysis of traffic patterns and the optimization of signals, AI algorithms in smart cities optimize traffic flow, decrease congestion, enhance travel times, and slash emissions. When it comes to minimizing energy waste, artificial intelligence (AI) helps with consumption optimization, renewable source management, and sustainability advocacy. Artificial intelligence helps with garbage collection routes, encourages recycling, and finds ways to turn trash into electricity. By keeping tabs on noise levels, water and air quality, and the likelihood of infrastructure breakdowns, AI helps keep the environment healthy. To help with public safety, it analyses data from sensors, surveillance cameras, and social media in order to spot irregularities and enhance reaction times during emergencies. Artificial intelligence (AI) improves citizen services by streamlining government operations and providing citizens with personalized information.

There are still obstacles that need to be overcome, even if AI has great promise in smart cities. Strong protections and privacy-preserving methods are necessary since data security and privacy are important factors. To guarantee impartial decision-making, it is crucial to carefully control algorithmic bias and fairness. To avoid further inequality, it is essential to close the digital gap and make everything available. Educating the public about the pros and cons of artificial intelligence (AI) in smart cities is crucial for achieving public acceptance and awareness. In order to ensure the appropriate and open use of AI, it is essential to establish transparent ethical principles and legal frameworks.

Through careful navigation of these factors, cities may tap into the potential of AI to accomplish sustainability objectives and improve urban living. We may anticipate that artificial intelligence's already substantial impact on the development of smart cities will only grow as the technology matures.

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