Smart Bin: An Approach to Design Smart Waste Management for Smart Cities

Smart Bin: An Approach to Design Smart Waste Management for Smart Cities

Divya Upadhyay, Ayushi Agarwal
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-4991-2.ch009
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The 21st century is the era of the digital world and advanced technologies. This chapter contributes to the Swachh Bharat mission by presenting the concept of smart bin using IoT. The Smart bin presented in this chapter is GPS-enabled and comprises sensors and a camera. A prototype for the proposed model is analysed, and network architecture is designed to communicate the critical information. The proposed system will update the status and condition of the bin to the nearest authority to improve the city's pollution and cleanliness. The prototype is deployed using a microcontroller Raspberry Pi and Google Maps to obtain the bins' real-time location. IoT fill-level sensors will help the garbage carrying truck in identify the nearest empty container without wasting time and resources. Google Maps will help in sensing the optimised routes to the drivers. The microcontroller will be used to integrate the different devices and cameras to provide real-time bin collection, overflowing/under flowing state and tracking information, and suggestions and notifications for effective disposal.
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India's population of around 1.2 billion generates about 0.1 million tons of waste daily. The local municipal bodies do waste management in the country, mostly found to dump the trash on open ground. Seldom is it burnt and creates environmental pollution. Swachh Bharat Mission, started by our honorable Prime Minister in October 2014, is motivated to properly dispose of trash and improve the city's cleanliness. The advancements in smart cities across the globe are because of urbanization, increased industries, population, governments, and technological advancements (Thakker & Narayanamoorthi, 2015). Therefore, a considerable sum of money is invested by governments in establishing smart cities. The concept of smart bins is going to influence human lives. Therefore, a need for efficient trash management is mandatory.

Smart-Bins concept comes into the picture by providing an environment-friendly and sustainable solution to the problem of waste-management. Smart-Bins have been known to manage waste and trash efficiently. Its cameras and sensors help sends real-time signals and monitors the trash. The usage of Smart-Bins can be accommodated at two levels that are: home-based and on the streets. The use of Smart-Bins at home-based is mainly concerned with processing waste at an introductory level. The Smart-Bins at home-based are primitive and use sensors and cameras. Whenever the trash reaches the threshold level, it sends messages and notifications to the user. Some Smart-Bins also process the trash to produce a helpful substance that can be used for providing nutrition to the plants. Smart-Bins have a more efficient storage capacity than traditional bins of as much as 80%.

The Smart-Bins used in the streets have a higher storage capacity than those used at home-based. The municipal authorities use these Smart-Bins with features like real-time location-monitoring, cameras and sensors installed. The signals are sent to municipal authorities whenever the trash reaches a threshold limit. They utilize the local Wi-Fi for sending the signals to concerned authorities. As a result, it reduces the effort required for the authorities to collect the trash. The trash collectors don't have to visit the bins every day, minimizing the trash collector's efforts and saving time. These bins are environmentally friendly and reduce the harmful gases and lousy odor released from the trash. Therefore, this ideal will help reduce air pollution in the area and help in the prevention of the spreading of viruses caused by unmanaged waste (Kumari, 2018).

The main objectives of this proposed work are:

  • i.

    To design an IoT-aware trash-monitoring system that will leverage the features of various sensors to analyze the Smart-Bin's status.

  • ii.

    The proposed system will also efficiently review and monitor the collected and actual data of the ongoing process mechanism.

  • iii.

    To design and implement a full-fledged architecture for the intelligent bin working and data transmission between the system and the user.

  • iv.

    The proposed system reviews the temperature of the trash monitoring system by the data collected through sensors.

Figure 1.

Basic overview of the Smart-Bin system



“Smart-Bin is used to identify the status of empty or full waste bins, adjust the waste collection schedule accordingly and save costs. The real-time waste management system uses sensors to check if bins are full. Using the proposed system, the person concerned can access the information of all smart bins from anywhere at any time. It will report the status of each bin in real-time, so the relevant authority can send a vehicle to collect waste only when the bin is full. By implementing this system, optimization of resources, cost reduction, and practical use of smart bins can be achieved.

Figure 2.

Concept of Smart-Bin


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