Smart Agriculture Applications Using Internet of Things

Smart Agriculture Applications Using Internet of Things

S. Sethuraman, Brijendra Singh
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1186-8.ch021
(Individual Chapters)
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Smart agriculture applications using IoT (Internet of Things) is getting popular in recent years. IoT-based smart agriculture applications involve the use of various sensor devices, such as soil sensors, weather stations, and drones, to collect data on environmental factors such as temperature, humidity, rainfall, soil moisture, and nutrient levels. This data is transmitted to the cloud where it is processed and analyzed to provide insights and recommendations to farmers. Smart agriculture applications using IoT can help farmers make data-driven decisions, reduce costs, and improve crop yields. This book chapter discusses the architecture and technologies used in IoT, then the three layers of IoT-based smart agriculture applications namely the physical layer, edge layer, and cloud layer. It also highlights the potential benefits of IoT-based smart agriculture applications and discusses the challenges of implementing IoT-based agriculture to improve farming practices.
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1. Introduction

According to the United Nations journal, the world's population is currently 7.6 billion and is predicted to reach 9.8 billion by 2030 and 11.2 billion by 2100. Therefore, we need to adopt better farming methods that can provide higher yields and improve efficiency to avoid a potential food crisis. Smart agriculture using IoT (Internet of Things) has become increasingly popular in recent years. They help farmers achieve higher yields compared to traditional farming methods. In smart agriculture, farmers can always connect to their farms from anywhere through internet (Chaganti et al., 2022; Faway et al., 2022). Smart agriculture management using IoT is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1.

Smart Agriculture Management using IoT


Smart agriculture is basically split into different layers that includes three-layer, four-layer, five-layer, six-layer, and seven-layer architectures. In this chapter we only discuss about the three-layer architecture of IoT. Additionally, we study (Dhanaraj et al., 2022; Gupta et al., 2022; Ouafiq et al., 2022) the technologies used in IoT and the types of management in smart agriculture. In the technology section, we can observe modern technologies such as sensors, robots, drones, and more that are used in smart agriculture to achieve better yields. Similarly, in the management section, we will see various types of IoT-based management systems, including those for water, soil, and moisture, in smart agriculture (Prasad et al., 2022).

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