Skilful Surfing Online for Anxiety Reduction (SO-FAR) in Pregnancy: Application Development

Skilful Surfing Online for Anxiety Reduction (SO-FAR) in Pregnancy: Application Development

Amy Leigh Rathbone, Duncan Cross, Julie Prescott
Copyright: © 2022 |Pages: 31
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-7991-6.ch006
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The development of the Skilful surfing Online For Anxiety Reduction (SO-FAR) in pregnancy (SO-FAR) mental health (mHealth) application (app) was supported by previous research which modelled the theory of Skilful Surfing. The model informed the app development, with each facet of the model corresponding to a different intervention included in the app. The aim of this chapter was to report the development of an mHealth app to relieve pregnancy-specific health anxiety. App content inclusion was based on previous literature and recommendations for mHealth app inclusions. Overall, the chapter provides the reader with a comprehensive account of the development of the SO-FAR app which may reduce levels of pregnancy-specific HA by encouraging women to become more adept when navigating through online health information, self-aware, and educated and promoting the ability to identify triggers and understand when and why they are experiencing maladaptive cognition and rumination in a self-guided manner.
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The development of the SO-FAR app stemmed from previous research which aimed to define the theory of Skilful Surfing. Skilful Surfing is;

-proactively engaging in oHISB, be self-aware when attempting to reach data saturation, understand the typicality and atypicality of symptoms, facilitate communication with experienced cohorts, effectively navigate through online health information identifying reliable sources, clarify said health information with professionals offline, remain engaged with offline support networks and understand that both online and offline resources and support are more effective when utilised in unification.

This definition was formulated based on a structural equation model which supported the modelling of the theory as evidenced in Figure 1, which was subsequently used as the foundation for the SO-FAR app.

Figure 1.

Model of skilful surfing


The facets of the Skilful Surfing model were informed by previous definitions and models of health information seeking behaviour (Health Information Acquisition Model [HAIM], Freimuth, Stein & Kean, 1989; Comprehensive Model of Information Seeking [CMIS], Johnson, Donohue, Atkin & Johnson, 1995; Planned Risk Information Seeking Model [PRISM], Kahlor, 2019)., preceding key studies concerning online health information seeking behaviour online during pregnancy (Prescott & Mackie, 2017; Prescott, Mackie & Rathbone, 2018; Rathbone & Prescott, 2019), and sampling of the e-Health Impact Questionnaire (e-HIQ1; Kelly Ziebland & Jenkinson, 2015), a measure which explored general views about the use of online health information websites.

The facets were Online Health Information Seeking Behaviour (oHISB), Data Saturation, Trust, Normalisation, Offline Support, Online Platform, Offline Platform, and Skilful Surfing. The Online Health Information Seeking Behaviour (oHISB) aspect explored the ‘Who?’, ‘What?’, ‘When?’, ‘Where?’ and ‘Why?’ of the user’s behaviour. It explored who the recipient of the search was, what they were searching for and when, where they were search and why. The Data Saturation aspect aimed to distract users from excessive searching. The Trust aspect of the app used a ‘True of False’ game to dispel pregnancy myths and provide psychoeducation. Normalisation presented users with online support networks they could utilise to communicate with likeminded people. The Offline Support aspect sign posted users to support services they could access outside of the internet and provided mindfulness techniques and CBT. The Online and Offline Platform aspects of the apps encouraged users to reflect by offering them a check list of new skills they have acquired through the app.

The introduction section of this chapter provides an overview of the background literature concerning anxiety, pregnancy and online health information seeking behaviour (oHISB), which subsequently leads to the development of the SO-FAR app.

In response to the need to reduce health anxiety specific to pregnancy by educating women to adeptly seek online health information, and capitalise on the ease of access to technological devices in today's society, a mHealth app was devised. This chapter depicts the development of the Skilful surfing Online For Anxiety Reduction (SO-FAR) in pregnancy app which aims to reduce levels of health anxiety specific to pregnancy using various techniques.

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