Shortening the Learning Curve of Media Start-Ups in Accelerators: Case of a Developing Country

Shortening the Learning Curve of Media Start-Ups in Accelerators: Case of a Developing Country

Aidin Salamzadeh, Mirjana Radovic Markovic
Copyright: © 2018 |Pages: 13
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-2956-9.ch003
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Business accelerators are playing a key role in facilitating the process of new venture creation. Start-ups generally look for the best accelerators to make their long journey short. Media start-ups also look for a supportive mechanism to fasten their start-up experience. In this process, one of the main issues is to shorten their learning curve which is possible by use of start-up accelerators. Therefore, this chapter deals with the idea that which factors are important in this regard. To do so, first, a brief review of the support mechanisms is presented, and it is discussed that how start-up accelerators shorten the learning curve of the start-ups. Then, five media start-ups which were created in accelerators are studied. All of the cases were established after 2014, since the accelerators started working from the same year. According to the findings, there are mainly six reasons for shortening of the learning curve by start-up accelerators, including: (1) Short creation period, (2) Seminars and courses, (3) Co-working space, (4) Divided teams, (5) Cohort peers, and (6) Mentorship.
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Start-Up Accelerators: How To Shorten The Learning Curve?

The existence of a learning curve for [established] organizations has been comprehensively investigated by several scholars. However, there was a problem stating that if start-up founders could learn fast enough during the start-up process to avoid any mistakes or even to fail (Cohen, 2013). Hopefully, this research area has emerged simultaneously by the advent and emergence of start-up accelerators (Davila et al., 2010; Stagars, 2015). As mentioned earlier, there are several support mechanisms which could be used to support media start-ups. Table 1 shows the characteristics of the main mechanisms. According to the table and based on the existing trend, accelerators are more interesting and are highly recommended to media start-ups. This is especially because of their features like short period of acceleration process, useful seminars, co-working space opportunities, and mentorship services. These issues are critical in accelerating the learning curve in start-ups.

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