Service-Oriented Framework for Advance Diagnosis of MSMEs Turning into NPAs: An Indian Perspective

Service-Oriented Framework for Advance Diagnosis of MSMEs Turning into NPAs: An Indian Perspective

Agnivesh Pandey, Rajiv Pandey
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-2157-0.ch017
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Banking Industry in India, a major section of which constitute of nationalized Banks, is facing three important challenges- to continue its contribution in rapid growth of Indian Economy, to make pace with the International Prudential Norms of Banking and Accounting Practices and to contain NPAs (Non-Performing Assets) and recover, which has reached an alarming Rs 6.0 lakhs crores. The bulk of Bank advances go to the large industries and big and established business houses, the major share of NPAs are attributed to them presently. The share of MSMEs (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises), a priority sector of Indian economy, towards growing NPAs may need equal attention as they are in large numbers. Laying stress on strengthening legal framework to overcome this challenge not proving very effective, a service oriented architecture framework may find a solution of advance diagnosis and prevention of MSMEs turning into NPAs. This chapter proposes data mining service in cloud computing environment to Banks which can be delivered as Platform-as-a-Service through Shiny.
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The model of distributed computing came into existence with the emergence of computer networks. This concept of decentralization eliminated maximum problems by distributing jobs across multiple systems. It provided flexibility to application design. A three tier pattern was introduced to deal with scalability issue (Latha et al., 2010). The pattern consisted of the user interface (the client), a middle tier containing the business logic and a third tier that dealt with the data required by the middle tier. This three tier model of distribution became very popular. It made application system scalable (Gunzer, 2002). But still there was a problem of interoperability with the introduction of middleware because the components were tightly coupled. This problem was solved when web services were introduced. A web service is a software system designed to support interoperable machine-to-machine interaction over a network (Mulligen & Gracanin, 2009). It is recognized by a URL and XML is used to define its interfaces and bindings (Dustdar & Schreiner, 2005).

Web Services for Extensive Computing

Web services represent the most important implementation of SOA. Web services are web application components. A web service is built by creating class methods with standard input and output parameters. Specific methods are exposed over the internet (Latha et al., 2010). The functionality of a server is exposed to other applications using web services. The client requests for services through web or browser based applications. Simple object access protocol (SOAP) supports client applications to call the remote web service. Web services follow typical web protocols (Ali, Rana, Taylor, 2005). They use the standard web architecture and support transport protocols such as HTTP which is applied in the web. Hence web services support extensive computing as it is available anywhere at any time. Today web service- based SOAs are widely accepted for on-demand computing and developing more interoperable systems. They integrate computational services that can coordinate and communicate with each other performing objective-centric activities.

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