A Service-Oriented Component Modeling Approach

A Service-Oriented Component Modeling Approach

Zoran Stojanovic, Ajantha Dahanayake, Henk Sol
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-59140-375-3.ch015
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Although implementation technology and standards for Component-Based Development (CBD) and Web services are nowadays widely used in enterprise system development, there is a strong need for truly component-oriented modeling methods. CBD methods proposed so far do not provide a necessary support for modeling various component and service concepts throughout a development life cycle. They mainly follow a bottom-up approach by treating components as implementation level artifacts for packaging software code. However, the component can be much more useful if it is treated as a building block of the logical system architecture. This chapter presents a service-oriented component modeling approach focused on the concepts of component and service as the main modeling and design artifacts. The approach provides a paradigm shift from components as objects to components as service managers. The approach is business-driven, flexible, and agile, providing an effective business/IT alignment in a component- and service-oriented manner.

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