Sensor-Based Technology in the Hospitality Industry

Sensor-Based Technology in the Hospitality Industry

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-6904-7.ch002
(Individual Chapters)
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In today's scenario, there has been a dramatic transformation in the way services are being provided and taken by the consumers. With the changing preferences of consumers, and businesses, vendors across the regions are emphasizing towards the introduction of touchless solutions, which are likely to change the way people interact and use the services. Incorporation of smart technologies enables the operators to create a positive and seamless experience for the users. Convergence of technologies with the current market trends is expected to bring the concept of “internet of things” nearer to reality. Embracing IoT solutions transform the overall hospitality business scenario and pose several opportunities for the smart hotel solutions. In this chapter, various IoT solutions used in the hospitality and leisure sector have been discussed. This chapter further emphasizes how efficiently the touchless technology products with minimal contact enhance the operations in hospitality sector and how the hotel industry is focusing towards nurturing the dreams of travellers.
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Literature Review

The hospitality and leisure industries are one of the most diversified and biggest industries in the various regions of the world. Economic indicators, such as leaning on low unemployment, continued GDP growth, as well as recent tax cuts are expected to impact the growth in the hospitality industry. Increasing trends of technology and innovation are expected to favorably influence the future scenario of the hospitality industry. The innovative strategies in the hospitality sector are anticipated to cater to the changing needs and expectations of the consumers across the different regions in the world. The travelers from various parts of the country, mainly emphasize much on their health and well-being.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Touchless Technology: Touchless technology is anything which can operate without the need to physically touch the device.

Internet of Things: The interconnection via the Internet of computing devices embedded in everyday objects, which enables them to receive and send the data.

Hospitality Industry: The hospitality industry includes a broader category of fields within the service industries which includes event planning, transportation, lodging, cruise line, airline, and other fields within the tourism industry.

Sensors: Sensors are the modules, or devices, which helps to detect changes or events in its environment and accordingly responds and sends information to other electronics.

Customers: An individual who purchases goods or services from a business or a shop.

Smart Technology: Smart technology is a technology which uses big data analysis, machine learning, and artificial intelligence to provide cognitive awareness to the objects which were in the past considered as inanimate.

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