Self-Driving Networks

Self-Driving Networks

Kireeti Kompella
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-3694-3.ch047
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This chapter presents a new vision of network operations, the self-driving network, that takes automation to the next level. This is not a description of existing work; rather, it is a challenge to dramatically rethink how we manage networks (or rather, how we do not manage networks). It draws upon an analogy with the development of self-driving cars and presents motivations for this effort. It then describes the technologies needed to implement this and an overall architecture of the system. As this endeavor will cause a major shift in network management, the chapter offers an evolutionary path to the end goal. Some of the consequences and human impacts of such a system are touched upon. The chapter concludes with some research topics and a final message. Key takeaways are that machine learning and feedback loops are fundamental to the solution; a key outcome is to build systems that are adaptive and predictive, for the benefit of users.
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Advances in autonomous systems1 are all around us. As processors become more powerful and more energy efficient; as data becomes more ubiquitous and purposeful; and as software gets more sophisticated; our ability to hand over control to machines increases. In a very real sense, this is the logical conclusion of automation, the progression being: do things manually; find (sub-)tasks that are repetitive and automate them; and eventually, give the whole job over to a machine. This process requires considerable technological progress, as well as human considerations. Both of these will be explored in this chapter. A useful intermediate stage between automation and full autonomy is “augmentation,” where man and machine cooperatively operate a system; this will be discussed as well.

The very visible face of autonomous systems today is the self-driving car. Here again, we have gone from a very manual approach, where humans control every aspect of driving, to automating various driving functions; and from this, to creating fully autonomous vehicles. Efforts to automate driving functions have been sprinkled throughout the car’s 130-year history; efforts to build self-driving cars are much more recent. A significant trigger in the latter came from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency’s Grand Challenge to build an autonomous ground vehicle, held in 2004. Fifteen teams participated, albeit unsuccessfully; the following year, though, 5 teams were successful. This journey since has been long, but finally appears quite near technological success; now, human considerations dominate. The author will draw on this analogy in the discussion of self-driving networks; there are valuable lessons to learn in so doing, while bearing in mind that no analogy is perfect.

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