Self-Directedness in the Service of Human Resources Management in Tourism and Hospitality: Perspectives Under the Scope of Adult Education and Lifelong Learning

Self-Directedness in the Service of Human Resources Management in Tourism and Hospitality: Perspectives Under the Scope of Adult Education and Lifelong Learning

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-6055-9.ch002
(Individual Chapters)
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The tourism and hospitality sector has been greatly impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic with inflows and outflows of tourists abruptly decreasing. In an effort to rebound, nations have embarked on forming policies to aid organizations regain their grounds. Emphasis on the regional development of the businesses, accordingly, can mediate growth. All things considered, organizations of the sector have had to turn to their personnel to seek ways to combat bottlenecks and crises and to upgrade the experience of their customers. The current chapter focuses on the notion of self-directedness and examines its vitality in the survival and recovery of the sector, and its inherent ability led to empowerment, adaptation, and flexibility. This is a literature review which consists of two main influential pillars: the degradation caused by the pandemic and the capability of self-directedness. Thus, the existing literature review, along with up-to-date articles and scientific journals have been processed and scrutinized.
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The aim of this chapter is to investigate the relationship between the tourism and hospitality employees and lifelong learning and show that the latter can aid the former in becoming more independent, flexible and adaptable in order to help the sector regain its ground and prosperity. Self-directedness, taught via Knowle’s Andragogy (1984), is proposed as a sustainable growth strategy that will help in this venture, essentially. Training and lifelong learning is considered crucial for Tourism Rebound and Inclusive Community Development (UNWTO; 2020, 2022). Empower; safeguard; prosper; and collaborate are the four pillars that measure and promote the Sustainability of Tourism. Domestic tourism continues to be the most crucial subsector in the recovery of the overall tourism sector, while international tourism continues to be volatile. Tourists have sought densely populated areas close to home to avoid travel limitations and, naturally, infection. It has felt safer to go on vacation within one’s own country since he/she knows what to expect. Tourists and visitors started enjoying open-air experiences and rural tourism more. Therefore, a new trend has been created and this particular segment of tourism has given tourism stability and a chance to survive.

Tourism, as a vital lifeline, for many countries and peoples should overcome its current state and recover, and in order to do so the knowledge and competences of its human resources will be needed; knowledge and competences that can be supported and enhanced via self-directedness.

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