Self-Awareness and Motivation Contrasting ESL and NEET Using the SAVE System

Self-Awareness and Motivation Contrasting ESL and NEET Using the SAVE System

Copyright: © 2018 |Pages: 10
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-2255-3.ch135
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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Background: Main Drivers And Policies To Reduce The Phenomenon Of Esl And Neets

The heterogeneity of the NEET phenomenon is largely agreed, in terms of driving factors. Starting from the relation with ESL and, generally, with the educational level, other common causes emerging as critical refer to family and other social background factors and to school/work transition, Labour Market access, guidance system (Italia Lavoro, 2011; Eurofund, 2012; EU Commission, 2015 a). One of the main issues is the “lack of ownership” existing in the current setting, with many NEETs, particularly for 16/17 year olds, having little or no contact with institutions. This creates a serious risk of disconnection and by the time they enter the “formal” system, the damage may already be done.

Key Terms in this Chapter

NEET: It is an acronym standing for “Not in Education, Employment or Training”, that in accordance with the International literature identifies people aged 15 to 29 demotivated to re-enter the Educational or Labour Market System.

Learning Personalization: A learner centred approach aimed at involving all the dimensions of the learner (personal, emotional, vocational, etc.) encouraging the expression and development of personal attitudes and talents, in order to valorise the potential that each person can reach and express.

Self Evaluation: A recursive process of self reflection, aimed at increasing awareness of strength points and areas of further development.

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