Security Incidents and Security Requirements in Internet of Things (IoT) Devices

Security Incidents and Security Requirements in Internet of Things (IoT) Devices

Pabak Indu, Nabajyoti Mazumdar, Souvik Bhattacharyya
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-2647-3.ch007
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The proliferation of IoT devices has revolutionized daily life, offering unmatched convenience and connectivity but also exposing substantial security vulnerabilities. This chapter delves into security incidents and requirements in IoT devices, emphasizing the need to safeguard devices and their data. It analyzes historical events like the Mirai Botnet attack, Stuxnet worm, and ransomware to highlight the consequences of inadequate security. Exploring security challenges involving CIA triad, this chapter outlines practical measures for enhancing IoT security, including secure device configurations, robust authentication, and continuous monitoring. It also examines existing regulatory frameworks and standards, such as ISO/IEC, and industry-specific guidelines. In conclusion, this chapter underscores the urgency of addressing security incidents and fulfilling security requirements in IoT devices and provides an overview of emerging trends and challenges. It serves as a persuasive call to prioritize IoT device protection to preserve user privacy and interconnected system integrity.
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1. Introduction

In this chapter, we embark on a comprehensive exploration of Internet of Things (IoT) devices, which have unequivocally established themselves as indispensable constituents of our quotidian existence. The “Internet of Things” paradigm engenders a complex network interlinking a myriad of tangible entities, spanning from motor vehicles to household appliances and a diverse array of products. These entities are imbued with a suite of sensors, underpinned by sophisticated software, and endowed with the capacity to acquire and disseminate data via the conduit of internet connectivity. These technological entities, often colloquially referred to as “smart devices,” encompass a multifarious spectrum of technical contrivances, encompassing smart home appliances, wearable technologies, industrial IoT systems, and healthcare monitoring apparatus.

The ubiquity of IoT devices has ushered in profound metamorphoses across a plethora of sectors, progressively ingratiating themselves as integral facets of our daily regimen (Roman, R., et al., 2013). These technological innovations proffer augmented convenience, automated functionalities, and seamless connectivity, seamlessly assimilating into the fabric of our daily routines. The amalgamation of IoT devices has not only become emblematic of modern living but has also yielded diverse manifestations, such as smart thermostats optimizing domestic energy efficiency and fitness trackers assiduously scrutinizing an individual's physiological well-being.

1.1. The Ascendant Significance of IoT Devices in Contemporary Society

This phase, we endeavor to scrutinize the burgeoning significance of IoT devices within the tapestry of our contemporary lives. Our examination shall be anchored in assessing the ramifications of IoT devices across pivotal domains, including healthcare, transportation, agriculture, and home automation. This analytical endeavor shall pivot around elucidating the salient advantages conferred by these devices, encompassing facets of convenience, efficiency, and connectivity (Atzori, L,et al., 2010).

Within the realm of healthcare, IoT devices have instigated a paradigm shift of notable proportions, particularly manifesting in the domains of remote patient monitoring, telemedicine, and wearable health tracking. These technological enablers are instrumental in effecting continuous surveillance of vital physiological parameters, reinforcing adherence to prescribed therapeutic regimens, and orchestrating bespoke healthcare management paradigms. The aegis of remote patient monitoring, in particular, has empowered healthcare providers with the wherewithal to vigilantly oversee patients from afar, culminating in ameliorated health outcomes and commensurately diminished healthcare expenditures.

IoT devices have not been circumscribed by the confines of the healthcare sphere; they have proffered substantial advantages to the transportation sector. This extends to multifaceted applications ranging from vehicle telematics to fleet management and traffic optimization. Connected vehicles serve as veritable data repositories, aggregating real-time information pertaining to vehicle performance metrics, traffic dynamics, and driver behavioral patterns. These datasets serve as the bedrock for route optimization, preemptive maintenance initiatives, and the amelioration of road safety protocols.

In this scholarly pursuit, we shall unravel the multifaceted tapestry of IoT devices and discern their consequential imprint upon our contemporary human experience.

The integration of IoT devices has led to significant breakthroughs in the field of agriculture, with a special focus on precision farming. The utilisation of Internet of Things (IoT) sensors within agricultural environments facilitates the efficient surveillance and enhancement of irrigation, fertilisation, and livestock well-being, hence leading to heightened agricultural output and the promotion of sustainable farming methodologies.

For home automation, Internet of Things (IoT) devices provide enhanced levels of comfort, security, and energy efficiency etc. Gadgets used for smart home such as motion sensor lights, thermostats, and security cameras, offer the convenience of remote management, enabling homeowners to efficiently and safely manage their properties.

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