Security for Data Communication in Cyber Physical System Limitation and Issues to Analyse the Performance Level of Networks: A Secure Mode of Data Transmission in Networks Using Different Types of Component Layers

Security for Data Communication in Cyber Physical System Limitation and Issues to Analyse the Performance Level of Networks: A Secure Mode of Data Transmission in Networks Using Different Types of Component Layers

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-9267-3.ch022
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Network security is a secure mode of data transmission from one device to other devices in any organization that handles a huge volume of data in a fast manner. There are different levels of data and network through unauthorized person from confidentiality of the network; the authors are using some external devices like routers, hub, cable etc., for connection from one end to another end of communication. Cyber physical system (CPS) is used to build a number of devices that can be used from small wireless communication to the larger system communication locally or remotely over the networks using cloud servers. Recently, the number of users can also increases in a networked systems with processors, sensors, cloud service provider, these platforms can also be used in car, medical device, and IoT sensors for creating platforms and the network performance also increased.
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The cyber physical systems security for internet of things (IoT) gadgets and cyber physical systems (CPS). For IoT are becoming more and more significant in critical infrastructure, governance, and daily life. Example of intelligent networked systems with sensor, processors, and actuators built in that detect and communicate with the real environment while supporting real-time, assured performance in safety-critical applications (Zhu et al., 2018). As costs come down and networks, platforms (Hassoubah et al., 2015), and sensors come together more and more, a closely related filed called the internet of things is growing. These systems, whether they are used to describe a car’s ability to prevent forward collision (Hong et al., 2015), a medical device’s capacity to adjust to changing conditions in real-time, or the most recent internet of things innovation (Dhawan et al., 2015), are a source of competitive advantage in today’s innovation economy and offer a wide range of opportunities for DHS and Homeland security enterprise missions. IoT and CPS both raise cyber security concerns and attack surfaces concurrently. Unintentional mistakes or malevolent attacks could have serious repercussions for the environment and for human lives (Singh et al., 2013). To improve security and dependability for CPS and IoT (Boppana et al., 2020), proactive and well-coordinated activities are required.

Cyber physical systems are designed systems that rely on the seamless fusion of physical components and computing algorithms (Chaganti & Boppana, 2016) . The research field of networked CPS is frequently used to describe the communications and networking difficulties connected with implementing CPS (Gao et al., 2014). More and more different kinds of technology are able to sense and affect their surroundings. These gadgets can range from tiny wireless communication devices to big systems that connect to cloud servers or communicate locally among themselves (Kim, 2014). These devices will be expected to function in a variety of situations, including those that are underwater, in the air, in production facilities (Gawanmeh & Alomari, 2018), and for personal conversations. In order to realize networked CPS, a variety of research issues in the fields like cloud computing (Bhamare et al., 2020), mobile computing, wearable computing, security, and privacy concerns, as well as challenges with indoor and outdoor localization and positioning (Lu et al., 2015), wireless communications and networking, and data analytics (Napiah et al., 2018), must all be addressed. Due to a greater emphasis on the integration of physical components into systems, the communications and networking challenges related to network CPS go beyond those of just networked system (Nazarenko & Safdar, 2019) .

In this network of embedded systems that communicate a CPS is a device with physical input and output. In other words, a CPS is a compilation of networked systems that can keep an eye on and manage real Internet of Things processes and things. The three major fundamental parts of a CPS are sensors, aggregators, and actuators (Wurm et al., 2017). Additionally, CPS system has the capacity to perceive their immediate environment and can modify and regulate the physical world (Darabseh et al., 2019). This is mostly attributable to their adaptability and capacity to alter the systems and processes runtimes by utilizing real-time computing. Indeed, CPS system are embedded in various systems (Deivendran et al., 2023), including military systems, agricultural, ecological systems, communication systems, power transmission systems are used in numerous fields (Karlof et al., 2003).

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