Secured Smart Meal Delivery System for Women's Safety

Secured Smart Meal Delivery System for Women's Safety

C. N. S. Vinoth Kumar, U. Sakthivelu, R. Naresh, S. Senthil Kumar
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 16
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1435-7.ch017
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There is an overwhelming variety of options available for consumers when it comes to food in the modern day, and these options can be found in both home and restaurant settings. The outcomes of the study indicate that the process of picking a meal and determining an eating location can frequently take a significant amount of time. The problem does not exist. In addition to this, it is definitely recommended to take nutrient-dense food while making sure that it is delivered in a secure manner. At the moment, there are allegations that delivery staff are stealing around half of the food and then delivering it after they have tampered with it, which makes it easier for thieves to steal at the area where the food is being delivered. As a result, the authors came up with the idea for a software program that goes by the name SSMDS. This program's objective is to provide assistance to persons who might be concerned about their personal safety, while also maximizing the effectiveness of the use of time and assuring the safety of both the food and the individuals involved.
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We are presently living in a culture that places a premium on convenience and easy access, Blom, J. et al. (2018) in his work, which is one of the most important factors in determining the rate of social progress. This era has been characterized by unprecedented increase in technical innovation. Gao, Y. et al. (2021) in his work he proposed, the way in which we sate our hunger and abide by our culinary inclinations has been revolutionized as a result of the proliferation of food delivery services, which are an essential component of the modern environment. S. Sakthipriya, & R. Naresh. et al. (2022) they proposed Protecting women, however, is a complicated problem that has to be addressed immediately and should not be overlooked just because it is hidden under a mask of convenience. C.N.S.Vinoth Kumar et al. (2021) Given the unique challenges that women may face while utilizing these types of services, the creation of a safe and intelligent food delivery system that places a priority on the protection of women is very necessary.

Gonzalez, R. D., & Miranda, J. G. V. et al. (2019) in their paper they investigate the intricate landscape of meal delivery services, illuminating the possible obstacles that may be encountered by women and proposing a comprehensive framework for a safe and intelligent meal delivery system that strives to alleviate these problems. Kussmann, M., & Krause, L. et al. (2013) said it is essential in the modern day, when technology may serve as a powerful ally in promoting a safer environment for women, to create tactics that protect women's welfare and enable them to quickly accept the convenience of food delivery services without fear or hesitation. This is because technology may function as a potent ally in promoting a more secure environment for women.


Figure 1.

The data suggests that there is a much greater proportion (55.6%) of participants within the age range of 20 to 30 years, while the percentage is notably smaller (8.5%) for respondents aged 50 and beyond



Figure 2.

The data suggests that a greater proportion of respondents identified as female (67.6%) compared to those who identified as male (38.4%)



Figure 3.

The data suggests that a greater proportion (specifically, 50.4%) of participants have indicated. I strongly concur with the notion that individuals possess a heightened awareness of the safety protocols implemented by online food delivery businesses. Conversely, a far smaller proportion, namely 1.7%, express disagreement with this perspective.


The Complexities Surrounding Women's Safety

Liu, B. et al. (2021) explained the problem of ensuring the protection of women has been a serious obstacle for a long time, one that transcends both geographical and socioeconomic boundaries. Bing Bai. et al. (2017) proposed that many facets of their lives, including their interactions with the outside world, women typically face unique safety concerns that must be taken into consideration. The arrival of the digital era has brought about huge changes in a number of facets of our lives, including our way of life, our career opportunities, and the range of services that are available to us, which includes the provision of meal delivery services Bharathi V, & C.N.S.Vinoth Kumar.. Despite this, the problem of ensuring the protection of women in the digital realm is still an on-going concern K. Lakshmi Narayanan, & R. Naresh. (2023).

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