Secured Healthcare Data Analytics on the Cloud Using Blockchain-Based Techniques

Secured Healthcare Data Analytics on the Cloud Using Blockchain-Based Techniques

Subashini B.
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-9132-1.ch006
(Individual Chapters)
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Blockchain and the internet of things (IoT) are progressive technologies that are changing the world with additional special care within the healthcare system. In healthcare, IoT is a remote patient monitoring system that allows IoT devices to collect patient information such as remote monitoring, test results, pharmacy detailsm and medical insurance details, and allows doctors to provide excellent care. In order to facilitate data sharing among different hospitals and other organizations, it is necessary to secure data with caution. Blockchain is a decentralized, distributed, and an immutable digital ledger that records healthcare transactions using peer-to-peer technology in an extremely secure manner. It uses the cloud environment to store the huge amount of data on healthcare. The data generated from IoT devices uses blockchain technology to share medical information being analyzed by healthcare professionals in different hospitals in a secure manner. The objective is to benefit patient monitoring remotely and overcome the problem of information blocking.
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Main Contributions

  • 1.

    The opportunities, advantages and several challenges related to the use of Blockchain, IoT technologies and cloud were explored.

  • 2.

    The Internet of Things (IoT), Blockchain, and cloud computing in healthcare are discussed.

  • 3.

    The use of blockchain and IoT to secure medical data in the cloud was investigated.


Blockchain Technology And Associated Concepts

Blockchain is one of the leading hyped technologies of the current day with usage cases and startups showing at the rate. A Blockchain is a network of distributed software for the recording and storage of transaction records and also permit the secure transfer of properties. In a blockchain system, transaction records are stored and distributed among all network participants. Blockchain is a distributed public ledger database that is maintained by a network of verified participants or nodes (Jaoude & Saadeet al., 2019) and stores immutable blocks of data that can be shared securely without third-party intervention (Hölbl et al., 2018). Data are preserved and recorded with cryptographic signatures and use of consensus algorithms that are enacted as key enablers of its application (Mendling et al., 2018). Blockchain describes a chain of data or transactions as blocks linked or chained together by cryptographic signatures, each of which is called a hash, stored in shared ledgers and supported by a network of connected processes called nodes. The crypto-economic realists of the blockchain protocol (consensual layer) regulate the activity rules and incentive mechanism of all network stakeholders. Blockchain has a wide range of applications and uses in the health domain. The efficient Blockchain healthcare application requires interoperability, allowing technology to keep medical data safely in a digital ledger.

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