Seamless Multi-Hop Handover in IPv6-Based Hybrid Wireless Networks

Seamless Multi-Hop Handover in IPv6-Based Hybrid Wireless Networks

Tonghong Li
Copyright: © 2008 |Pages: 8
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-59140-993-9.ch069
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Mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) are becoming popular due to the abundance of mobile devices, the speed and the convenience of deployment, and the independence of network infrastructure (Chin, 2002; Royer, 1999). It is desired that MANETs be interconnected to fixed IP networks so that the Internet services can be offered to MANET nodes. In such scenarios, commonly known as hybrid ad hoc networks, mobile nodes (MNs) are viewed as an easily deployable extension to the existing infrastructure. Gateways (GWs) are installed, which can be used by MNs to communicate with nodes in the fixed network.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Optimized Handover: It means a handover when a MN’s route to its current GW is still active, but a better (more optimized) route is available and selected. Seamless. In our paper, it means to reduce the packet loss and handover delay without incurring too much protocol overhead during multi-hop handover.

Multi-Hop Handover: A route change from a MN to its registered GW, which may occur when the MN itself or any of the intermediate MNs moves and breaks the active route to the registered GW during the MN’s communication with a CN in the wired network.

Hybrid Wireless Network: A type of network, which interconnects MANETs to fixed IP networks. In such networks, MNs are viewed as an easily deployable extension to the existing infrastructure. GWs are installed, which can be used by MNs to communicate with nodes in the fixed network.

Compulsory Handover: It means a handover when the MN detects that the route to its current GW is broken. Hybrid gateway discovery. An approach used by the MN to discover available GWs. In this approach, the periodical router advertisements are not flooded throughout the entire ad hoc network but only sent to MNs that are in the vicinity of the GW. MNs that are further away solicit advertisements reactively.

MANET: A type of mobile wireless network. In contrast to an infrastructure wireless network, a MANET is an infrastructure-less network. In a MANET, there is no fixed router. Instead, each MN can serve as a router that discovers and maintains routes to other nodes.

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