School Teachers as Non-Violent Role Models

School Teachers as Non-Violent Role Models

Zoleka Ntshuntshe
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-7476-7.ch012
(Individual Chapters)
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For a long time in South Africa, schools have relied heavily on corporal punishment as a means to bring law and order in the classroom. This culture of using violence has bred angry and militant children who are not afraid to stand tall and defiant of the teachers meting out this punishment. This chapter will challenge teachers to view the traditional way of using violence to restrain children against viewing new ways in which they can become role models where distressed learners can receive care and support. It will also show the benefits of a caring teacher as it adds to emotional wellbeing and social wellbeing of children which are important in the total outcomes of all children. This chapter will provide teachers with useful knowledge encouraging positive role modelling which fosters positive imitation by children. It is evident that environmental factors and interpersonal relationships will play a big role in achieving this goal; therefore, Bronfenbrenner's ecological systems theory will play a pivotal role in defining the role of the teacher.
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A non-violent and caring approach to disciplining children in school is the ideal for which we all aspire. Attaining this goal is dependent on the effective training of teachers on other alternative methods which they can use to effectively engage with their learners. This chapter aims to define how violence in school (in the way of corporal punishment) can have detrimental effects on learners. It will also explore alternative ways which teachers can use to effectively manage their learners in school.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Behavior: The way in which one acts or conducts oneself, especially towards others.

Corporal Punishment: Physical punishment such as canning or flogging.

Environmental: Relating to or caused by the surroundings in which someone lives or something exists.

Interaction: A kind of action that occurs as two or more objects have an effect upon each other.

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