Scaling Up of Software Development With Algorithm-Based Agile Methodologies

Scaling Up of Software Development With Algorithm-Based Agile Methodologies

Somesh Kumar Sahu, Kiran Hemanthraj Muloor, Shreeya Bajpai
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-4580-8.ch022
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The organization spends a significant part of its investment on operations and implementing projects. Project managers often face challenges regarding project management. Project managers face many challenges that get in the way of completing tasks, including poor communication. Setbacks and failures must be constantly analyzed and applied. Agile project management involves managing software development projects iteratively under continuous release cycles and incorporating customer feedback at each stage.
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Each year, technology occupies a larger and more prominent place in our lives and businesses. The software industry's many products and services are globalized, causing constant and rapid change. Software development, quality assurance, and testing require expert project management expertise as a highly specialized industry. The primary environmental variables for companies' success in market competitiveness through the implementation of projects are personnel, technology, resources, management, market, and projects(Olekh et al., 2013). Managing projects requires decision-making. With the help of data mining and machine learning techniques, better decisions can be made, and some project problems can be resolved using selected or analyzed project data. Any organization relies heavily on data. Managers and executives can use analytics to correct any slippages in budgets, costs, and timelines. Analyzing data allows you to advance the skills of your team members and optimize your project management implementation. Every project gets delayed because tasks get delayed. Of course, that's an obvious point. However, when you consider the repercussions of a delayed charge, another team will have less time to complete their studies since the dependent job is late or necessary data has not been provided. Automating data consolidation, integration, and restructuring can simplify the budget formulation process. Project managers should analyze data contributing to operational planning decisions to drive budgets. But in many data science projects, data scientists cannot use developments from previous projects since they haven't tackled similar problems before.

Machine learning initiatives are more experimental than standard software engineering projects. As a result, data science teams struggle to predict the scope of work, time frames, and prices required to attain the required accuracy and results. The pandemic is an example of a worldwide tragedy that makes it impossible to sustain work and duties, but it has also given rise to the concept of distant and hybrid working cultures.(Mahfoodh et al., 2021). Agile is a project management approach that originated in the software sector and has lately been applied to other industries. This approach has encouraged the usage and development of several techniques to reduce project-related risks(Anes et al., 2020). When confronted with many fast-paced difficulties in an uncertain and dynamic environment, professionals are compelled to employ agile methodologies in various settings, resulting in hybrid project management models.(Bianchi et al., 2021). A hybrid method is more popular than elegant with IT teams, which combines waterfall and elegance, creating a more flexible yet structured process that can lend itself to IT projects.

After becoming dissatisfied with complex methodologies that would not scale, seventeen software engineers gathered in Snowbird, Utah, in February 2001 to examine lightweight alternatives to modify and deliver on-time feedback. Martin Fowler, Jim Highsmith, Jon Kern, Jeff Sutherland, Ken Schwaber, and Bob Martin were among others who spoke on fast-tracking development to get innovative software to market. In the meeting, they primarily discussed ways to simplify or come up with a lightweight concept that would be able to be converted based on project requirements, thereby helping us build software by having a quick understanding of what the client needs, which will have minimal impacts on the project documentation and needed planning. By achieving this goal, they recognized two critical opportunities in resolving the product-market fit and development graveyard by speeding up the delivery of benefits to users. Users' feedback on new software quickly helps confirm its usefulness and improve it accordingly.

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