Safety for Digital Immersive Environments and Social Economic Dynamics Based on Designing the Metaverse

Safety for Digital Immersive Environments and Social Economic Dynamics Based on Designing the Metaverse

DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-2647-3.ch013
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The Metaverse is a network of 3D virtual worlds that combines real-world and virtual experiences and offers ways for multimodal communication and experiences in a range of settings. The third wave of the World Wide Web revolution, known as the metaverse, is based on cutting-edge technologies like artificial intelligence and greater reality. Here, through an analysis of the literature and a synthesis of best practices for creating metaverse educational settings, the authors revise learning throughout the metaverse and suggest a fresh and cutting-edge theoretical framework. By doing this, they intend to show that the SED model-based computer simulation experiment method is a scientific empirical approach that has more benefits than other methods for empirical study in economics now in use. A virtual world with physics, finances, society, and governance that is close to and exists alongside reality can be created using the digital twin approach. The SED model may be fully utilized to create a market and a virtual financial system.
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1. Introduction

How swiftly it is expanding is shown by the fact that Geppetto has 200 million members and Animal Crossing is holding the election in the metaverse. An interesting fact about Roblox is that it has 150 million monthly active users (MAU), 2/3 of who are US children between the ages of 9 and 12, and 1/3 of them are under the threshold of 18. Early metaverse studies conducted in 2007 concentrated on Second Life. However, the current Metaverse is based on Generation Z social standards, which hold that a person's online and offline identities are same. Because the current Metaverse is different from the previous one due to the increasing prevalence of social events and supplies, a new definition is consequently necessary.

Three stages of evolution can be seen in this metaverse vision. When our real environments are digitalized and have the potential to occasionally reflect modifications to their virtual parallels, we start with the concept of “digital twins.” According to the natural world, digital twins produce 'many' virtual worlds that are digital replicas of the real world, and human users who use their characters to create new things in these virtual worlds are said to be digital natives (Lee et al., 2021). It's vital to remember that these virtual worlds will first have information silos due to their limited access to one another and the real world. Then they will gradually join together to form a vast landscape. In the end, the digital real world and virtual world merge, the last phase of the cohabitation of physical and virtual reality resembling the surreal). A physical and virtual world that is so integrated provides meet the enormous needs of a permanent, 3D virtual environment is the metaverse.

Technologies other than the web, networking sites, playing games, and simulated settings should be taken into account to achieve the metaverse. The metaverse is being built on the foundation of the emergence of AR and VR, high-speed networks, edge computing, machine learning, and hyper-ledgers. We define the principles of the metaverse and its technological singularity from a technical perspective. To provide a critical perspective for creating the metaverse, which consists of everlasting, shared, simultaneous, and 3D virtual places combined into a perceived virtual cosmos, this essay evaluates the existing technologies and technical infrastructures. The article makes three contributions.

Figure 1.

Significant the metaverse


In 2021 and 2022, the Metaverse received a lot of public attention in Figure 1. It gained notoriety, which caused businesses, investors, and users to change their priorities. Investments in technologies connected to the Metaverse increased dramatically, and Metaverse tokens saw tremendous growth (Dolata & Schwabe, 2023). Additional symptoms include Facebook changing its name to Meta and Microsoft completing the largest takeover deal in history by buying a virtual reality (VR) startup for USD 68.7 billion.

The Metaverse's broad breadth makes it difficult for us to fully comprehend how it functions, why it is necessary, and what it is even capable of (Park & Kim, 2022). We need multidisciplinary cooperation and studies with the behavioural and social science research of the Metaverse to effectively address these issues.

These are the study's three primary contributions:

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