Rural Tourism and Its Impact on the Economy: A Study of Lalong Village, Meghalaya

Rural Tourism and Its Impact on the Economy: A Study of Lalong Village, Meghalaya

Saibal Kumar Saha, Sawarisa Suiam, Ankita Sarangi
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-9664-7.ch015
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The changing tastes and preferences of tourists have given rise to a new form of tourism, rural tourism. This new form of tourism plays an important role to change the rural economy and living standard of villagers. Meghalaya, the abode of clouds, is famous for a number of its villages and attract thousands of tourists every year. This research aims to study the impact of rural tourism on the economy of the village. For this study, Ialong village has been selected, and 150 people were interviewed with the help of a structured questionnaire and insights of people concerned were noted and analyzed. It was found that people believe the facilities of electricity, hygiene, toilets, accommodation have improved and have accounted for more influx of tourists into the region. However, lack of exposure of the different villages and their offerings in advertisement media have limited the potential of growth of tourism in these villages.
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Rural tourism is conducted in places with sparse populace which attracts travelers for an experience of the natural, traditional, and historical characteristics of the place (European Commission, 2003). Rural tourism helps the natives by providing entrepreneurial opportunities. It helps to increase their earning, provides employment, and improvement of rural art and craft. It also provides investment for infrastructure advancement and conservation of local heritage and environment (Mishra, 2001). Some scholars consider rural tourism as a tourism activity in a non-urban territory with only agricultural activity (Hall, Kirkpatrick & Mitchell 2005).

The growth of country side recreation evolved towards the end of the 18th century. It was primarily carried out to relieve the stress developed as a result of urbanization and industrialization. The scenic beauty of the countryside landscape became the “gaze” of tourists (Urry, 1990). It attracted a large number of poets and artists. The popularity of rural tourism may also be attributed to availability of free time and enhancement in disposal income of the families due to technological advancements. The popularity of cars after the end of the Second World War may be attributed as one of the leading factor for a growth in the rural tourism sector (Harrison, 1992). According to UNWTO, (2004) rural tourism is a term used when “rural culture is a key component of the product”. Depending on the main activity of this product; several terms have been given to the tourism: viz. adventure, cultural tourism, green tourism, hunting, nautical tourism, historical or agritourism.

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