Rule-Based Domain-Specific Modeling for E-Government Service Transactions

Rule-Based Domain-Specific Modeling for E-Government Service Transactions

Guillermo Infante Hernández, Aquilino A. Juan Fuente, Benjamín López Pérez, Edward Rolando Núñez-Valdéz
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-6359-6.ch011
(Individual Chapters)
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There is an explosion of different software platforms and protocols used to achieve systems interoperation. Among those platforms are the e-government transactions systems used mainly by public sector organizations to deliver demanded services to citizens. This scenario brings the appearance of communications gap among public organizations that share common processes, services, and regulations. Therefore, to find a solution to integrate these platforms becomes a relevant issue to be treated. This chapter proposes a rule-based domain-specific modeling environment for public services and process integration formed by common public service elements and a set of process integration rules. This approach provides a mechanism to integrate the conforming pieces of public transactions among different platforms. In addition, a service and a process meta-model is proposed in order to formalize the information structures. A set of process integration rules is also presented to complete the proposed model.
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The objective behind Information Technology (IT) projects in e-government contexts as argued in (Buhl & Löffler, 2011) are: simplification and realization of information, communication, and transaction processes within and between public administrations and citizens by using digital information and communication technology. There have been an increased research activity on e-government field in recent years and the development of theoretical and conceptual models to understand its different aspects (Dawes, Pardo, & Cresswell, 2004; Gilgarcia & Pardo, 2005; Gupta, 2003). This recent interest in this domain is caused by the increased government’s reliance on information and communication technologies (ICT) in their everyday transactions. One of the particular fields of interest in this domain is the study of the different relations established among the e-government actors to achieve service transactions. In (Abramson & Means, 2001) there is a classification of three major categories or relationships called Government- to-Government (G2G), Government-to-Citizen (G2C), and Government-to-Business (G2B). This chapter mainly focuses on Government-to-Citizen relationship where the information sharing between Public Administrations’ (PAs) processes and services takes place. These information interchanges or interoperability between PA organizations have been classified as a relevant subject and a critical prerequisite for the adequate performance of PA systems (Klischewski, 2004; Peristeras, Loutas, Goudos, & Tarabanis, 2007; Tambouris, Manouselis, & Costopoulou, 2007).

The European Interoperability Framework for Pan-European e-Government Services (EIF) (Overeem, Witters, & Peristeras, 2007) of the European Commission defines interoperability as the ability of information and communication technology (ICT) systems and of the business processes they support to exchange data and to enable sharing of information and knowledge.

EIF defines three interoperability types such as the technical level, semantic level and organizational level where this chapter focuses on. The interaction among different business processes and services is addressed. At this level the following aspects are covered:

  • 1.

    Domain Specific Integration Modeling: This includes the definition of the metamodel that contains common processes and services elements to undertake their integration.

  • 2.

    Business Rules Integration: This describes the construction of the integration knowledge base used to validate instances of the defined model both in modeling time and runtime.

  • 3.

    Domain Specific Modeling Editor Development: This address the description of the necessary steps to undertake the development of a domain specific modeling tool as proof of concept for the proposals introduced in this chapter.



Process modeling has gained a lot of attention over the past decade involving process reengineering and innovation (Wang & Wang, 2006). The use of Service Orientated Architectures (SOAs) has changed the process orientation to service orientation modeling approach. These architectures are mainly dedicated to issues related to advertise, discover, invoke, compose and monitor services available from multiple providers over the web. This change resulted in the development of the Web Services (Alonso, Casati, Kuno, & Machiraju, 2004; Moitra & Ganesh, 2005).

Key Terms in this Chapter

Web Service: Technology that uses a set of protocols and standards to exchange data among applications that differs in programing languages, platforms and operating systems.

Model-Driven Development (MDD): Approach that promotes the idea that models should be adopted as part of systems development using the essentials of models automation and modeling standards.

Domain Specific Modeling Language (DSML): Modeling language of limited expressiveness focused on a particular domain.

Service Oriented Architecture (SOA): Software architecture that defines the usage of services to support business requirements.

Public Administrations: Organizations that delivers public services to citizens, other administrations and businesses.

Interoperability: Ability of ICT systems and of the business processes they support to exchange data and to enable sharing of information and knowledge.

E-Government: Use of technology, especially web-based applications to enhance access to and efficiently deliver government information and services.

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