Role of Women in Food and Agricultural Development: Breaking Barriers for Sustainable Growth

Role of Women in Food and Agricultural Development: Breaking Barriers for Sustainable Growth

Smriti Pradhan, Raksha G. S., Akhil P.
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 19
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-3037-1.ch008
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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The role of women in food and agricultural development in India is vital as it has an essential impact on the country's agricultural development. Despite all the contributions, they often face major obstacles, such as limited access to resources such as land, credit, innovation, and technology, and addressing these barriers is important. In this chapter, the authors have examined areas and levels of farm women's participation, such as the crops they grow, post-harvest activities, the workload they carry, and, despite all the struggles, how the women are underestimated. Their contribution is not limited to crop cultivation but also includes dairy, poultry, fishing, aquaculture, and forestry such as the wood processing sector. Due to men moving towards urban areas for better jobs and quality of life, women in rural areas are pressured to work in the fields; due to this, agriculture is feminized, and women shoulder a heavier workload than men. The underrepresentation of women is also seen in the employment rate and the pay they receive during seasonal, non-seasonal, and part-time employment
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